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XENTIS Debugging Flags

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Recent versions of XENTIS have a number of debugging flags which can be used to examine internal processing states.


When operating in debug mode XENTIS will print detailed information to indicate what it is doing along each step of the way. The logical XENTIS<version>_DEBUG_FLAGS controls whetheror not XENTIS operates in debug mode and what data is printed.

Utilizing this feature is very beneficial in diagnosing reports where no records are selected, where too many records are selected, where calculation results are different than expected, and other similar problems.

The following table documents what data is printed when the appropriate debug flag is set.

Debug Flag  Debug data printed
 C  Calculations Expressions
 D  Dictionary Operations
 E  Calculation Detail Operations
 F  Data File Opens and Closes
 Q  SQL Operations
 R  Data File Reads
 S  Selection Expressions
 T  Selection Detail Operations
 W  Data File Writes

For example, to print debug information about file read, selection expressions, and calculations, define the debug logical as follows (assuming XENTIS v4.8):


It is possible to direct the output of debugging statements to a file rather than the user's terminal. This is done by defining the XENTIS<version>_DEBUG_OUTPUT logical to translate to a file. For example, to cause all debug output to go to a file named REPORT_DEBUG.LIS enter the following before executing XENTIS:

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