PAN Installation
step by step

Table of Contents

Before You Start

Purpose Of This Document

Motivation For This Document

If You Get Stuck, Call Tech Support!

Creating the PAN Account

1. Create the pan Group

2. Create the pan Account

3. Validate the Home Directory

4. Set the pan Home Directory Permissions

Validate Your System

5. ping Our Web Server

6. What Is Your Host Name?

7. What Is Your Domain?

8. What Is Your IP Address?

9. Validate Them Against Each Other

Prepare Apache

10. Check for suexec

11. Locate httpd.conf

12. Determine the UserDir

13. Check the ServerName

14. Allow PAN to ExecCGI

15. Restart Apache

16. Log In as pan

17. Test

Install PAN

18. Make Sure You're in the pan Home Directory

19. Copy to the Home Directory

20. Set with Execute Permission

21. Run

22. Delete the UserDir

23. Move server to the UserDir

Validate Your Web Browser

24. Connect to Our PAN

25. Is It Started?

26. Is Emulator Running?

27. Print a Text File to Emulator

28. Check For Completion

Configure Your PAN

29. Do You Have a License Key?

30. Connect to Your PAN

31. Set Your Preferences

32. These Fields Should Already Be Filled In

33. Enter Values For These Fields

34. Configure The Master Server

35. These Fields Should Already Be Filled In

36. Enter Values For These Fields

37. Start The PAN

38. Check The System

Validate Your Installation

39. Configure A Queue On Our Emulator

40. Check The System

41. Print A File On Your Emulator Queue

42. Check For Completion

Now What?

Before You Start

Purpose Of This Document

This document is intended to either get you up and printing with the ScriptServer® PAN Printing System as quickly as possible, or get you to a point where you can't go any further but where up to that point your installation is in a known state. If you get all of the way through, then great! If you don't, when you contact our Technical Support you can say "I got to step X", and we all know exactly what's what up to that point and you don't have to backtrack, and nobody has to waste time figuring out what works and what doesn't.

Use it as a verbatim checklist:

Motivation For This Document

Theoretically speaking, there are many possible configurations of PAN (just as there are with web servers, operating systems, or any complex and multifaceted software tool) which will work; some of them may be better than others in certain situations. In practice:

Have you read the Installation Guide yet? Did you understand all of it? In the field, there's a tendency to skim a document of that length and depth; we're not pointing fingers, we simply know it's true!

The steps in this document have the greatest likelihood of being successfully carried to completion, in the absence of other information; if successfully executed, they result in a known (and documented) configuration; you don't have to pretend to read the Installation Guide, just follow the steps and call us immediately when something doesn't seem quite right.

If You Get Stuck, Call Tech Support!

The most important thing about this document is: the minute something doesn't go quite right, contact our Technical Support:

Anything. Anything at all. (If you're so inclined, you can read the Installation Guide while you're waiting for an answer.)

Before you start, you may want to review our guide to Getting The Most from your ScriptServer PAN Demo at

Creating the PAN Account

1. Create the pan Group

Use your customary user account management tool to create a group named "pan", with a group i.d. in the range of 500 to 10000.

Write the group i.d. number in the margin.

2. Create the pan Account

Use your customary user account management tool to create a user named "pan", with a user i.d. in the range of 500 to 10000. Assign it to the group pan created in step #1.

Write the user i.d. number in the margin.

Write the home directory in the margin, omitting any trailing slash.

3. Validate the Home Directory

Enter the command

cd <home directory>/../

where <home directory> is what you wrote in the margin as the home directory in step #2. Nothing should echo; if anything echoes, stop now!

Enter the command

ls -d pan

You should see the single word "pan" echoed. If anything else happens, stop now!

4. Set the pan Home Directory Permissions

Enter the command

chmod u=rwx,go=rx pan

Nothing should echo; if anything echoes, stop now!

Enter the command

ls -ld pan

and you should get the line drwxr-xr-x nnnn pan pan nnnn mmm dd hh:mm pan where nnnn represents arbitrary numbers and mmm dd hh:mm indicates a date and time. All other characters are verbatim (drwxr-xr-x pan pan pan). If you get anything else, stop now!

Validate Your System

5. ping Our Web Server

Enter the command

ping -c1

You should see output similar to the following:

PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=255 time=0.207 ms

--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.207/0.207/0.207/0.000 ms

There are several things you should note about this output:

If the noted behavior is not observed, stop now!

6. What Is Your Host Name?

Enter the command


and write the output in the margin.

7. What Is Your Domain?

Enter the command

more /etc/HOSTNAME

and write the output in the margin.

8. What Is Your IP Address?

Enter the command

grep `cat /etc/HOSTNAME` /etc/hosts

An IP address, followed by the output of step #7, followed by the output of step #6 should be echoed. Write the IP address in the margin.

9. Validate Them Against Each Other


stop now!

Prepare Apache

10. Check for suexec

Enter the command

cd /var/log/httpd

If there is any output, stop now!

Enter the command

ls *err* | grep -v '\.[0-9]'

Exactly one line should be echoed, containing a single filename; write the filename in the margin.

Enter the command

grep suEXEC `ls *err* | grep -v '\.[0-9]'`

One or more lines should be echoed containing the string "suEXEC mechanism enabled"; otherwise, stop now!

11. Locate httpd.conf

Enter the command

find /etc/httpd/ -name 'httpd.conf'

More than one line may be echoed. If there are multiple lines, one or more of them may contain errors; don't panic! (probably the only time we'll say that)

However, one of the lines should end in "httpd.conf". Write everything on the line to the left of "httpd.conf" in the margin.

Enter the command

cd <apache config directory>

where <apache config directory> is what you just wrote in the margin.

Nothing should echo; if it does, or if there was nothing to the left of "httpd.conf", stop now!

12. Determine the UserDir

Enter the command

grep UserDir httpd.conf

More than one line may be echoed, however exactly one of the lines must contain "UserDir public_html" and it must not be commented. In otherwords it must look more or less like this:

UserDir public_html

and not like this:

# UserDir public_html

If nothing is echoed or the line is commented out, stop now! If the UserDir is not "public_html", stop now!

(Under most circumstances, variances at this point are due to variations in the Linux distributions. But you should call us so that we can make sure that's what's going on.)

13. Check the ServerName

Enter the command

grep ServerName httpd.conf

More than one line may be echoed. One of the lines must look more or less like this:

ServerName <your fully qualified hostname>

where <your fully qualified hostname> is what you wrote down in step #7 (not simply what you wrote down in step #6). Make sure that this line is not commented (starting with a #), as described in the previous step.

If the ServerName is not your fully qualified hostname from step #7, or the line is commented out, stop now!

14. Allow PAN to ExecCGI

Edit the httpd.conf file. Locate the line which contains the "UserDir public_html". Immediately after it, add the following block of code, substituting the home directory from step #2 for <home directory>.

<directory "<home directory>/public_html/cgi-bin">
Options ExecCGI
SetHandler cgi-script

Be sure to include the leading slash (but only one leading slash)!

15. Restart Apache

Restart Apache using the customary procedure at your installation. (Rebooting may be the "customary procedure" at your installation.)

16. Log In as pan

We assume you've been logged in as root so far (it's hard to imagine you'd have gotten here otherwise). If you didn't reboot, log out. (Do not use su!)

Log in under the new pan account.

17. Test

Enter the following command:

cd public_html

If it doesn't exist, you may have to create it first with mkdir. (If you're not sure how, call us.)

Enter the following command:

cd cgi-bin

If it doesn't exist, you may have to create it first with mkdir. (If you're not sure how, call us.)

Now enter the command:


There should be no errors. If this is not the case, stop now! The following should be printed out:

<home directory>/public_html/cgi-bin

Edit a (new) file named test.cgi and paste the following code into it, verbatim:

echo "Content-type: text/plain"
echo ""
echo "It works," `whoami`
exit 0

Enter the command

chmod a+x test.cgi

If there are any errors, stop now!

Fire up a web browser. Enter the following URL:

http://<fully qualified hostname>/~pan/cgi-bin/test.cgi

where <fully qualified hostname> is the hostname from step #7.

Your browser should display the following, verbatim:

It works, pan

otherwise, stop now!

Install PAN

18. Make Sure You're in the pan Home Directory

Enter the command


and then the command:


The home directory which you wrote down in step #2 should echo. If it doesn't stop now!

19. Copy to the Home Directory

Copy from your distribution media or download location to the current directory. If you're not sure how to do this, stop now!

20. Set with Execute Permission

Enter the command

chmod a+x

If there are any errors, stop now!

21. Run

Enter the command


taking particular note of the leading dot and slash. There will be a bunch of output from this if all goes well, including several lines of dots. If you see anything which indicates an error occurred, stop now!

22. Delete public_html

Enter the command

rm -r public_html

If there is an error, stop now!

23. Move server to public_html

Enter the command

mv server public_html

If there is an error, stop now!

Validate Your Web Browser

24. Connect to Our PAN

Using the web browser which you are going to use to administer your PAN, connect to this page on our web site:

This page will set a cookie which you will need to access the PAN interface; if you don't allow permanent cookies to be stored on your computer (even for trusted sites), stop now!

The first link as you're looking down the page will say "here's the ScriptServerŽ PAN Printing System"; click on it (or click on the link in this document).

You need JavaScript turned on in your browser to use the interface; if you don't have JavaScript turned on, or you get a message about needing JavaScript, stop now!

25. Is It Started?

On the left-hand side of the screen, click on PAN Administration.

On the submenu which appears, click on Utilities.

On the submenu which appears, click on start/stop PAN.

If the PAN is currently stopped, click the Start ScriptServer PAN button.

If you have any problems navigating the interface, you don't understand these instructions, or you are unclear whether the PAN is started or stopped, stop now and call tech support!

26. Is Emulator Running?

On the left-hand side, click on Manage queues (farther up the list, above Utilities but below PAN Administration).

On the submenu which appears, click on modify queue. A tabbed box appears, with a popup above it.

From the Queue popup, choose Emulator.

Click on the State tab.

In the top portion of the box which is designated Current state, select the following: started, processing, open. (the top three options).

Click the OK button.

If you have any problems navigating the interface, you don't understand these instructions, stop now!

27. Print a Text File to Emulator

On the left-hand side, click on Using PAN (the topmost item).

On the submenu which appears, click on Print files.

On the submenu which appears, click on text file.

Click on the Browse.. button and locate a textfile on your local hard drive; it shouldn't be a large file, and it shouldn't contain any proprietary data (the Emulator doesn't actually print anything out, it just eats bytes; but you're still sending this over the Internet to our server, so some caution is advised). Try to pick a small file. Click on Open (or whatever is appropriate to dismiss this dialogue; the dialogue you see should be a standard one for your operating system).

The name of the file you selected should be displayed in the textbox to the right of the word File and to the left of the Browse.. button.

Select Emulator from the popup to the right of the word Queue.

Click the Submit print job button.

You should get a confirmation that the job was successfully submitted, and it should say

Job XXXXXX submitted to queue Emulator

where XXXXXX is a unique identifier which has been assigned to your print job. Write that identifier in the margin.

If you have any problems navigating the interface, you don't understand these instructions, or things don't work as described, stop now!

28. Check For Completion

The word "Emulator" is underlined because it is a link. Click on it. The display legend (at the top of the screen) changes to say Summary Listing of Print Jobs. The job identifier you wrote down in the previous step should be shown in the list of jobs being processed by the queue (the status may vary, depending on how big the job is, and how quick you click. the Emulator is set to process 4Kb per second).

If you have any problems navigating the interface, you don't understand these instructions, or things don't work as described, stop now!

Configure Your PAN

29. Do You Have a License Key?

If you have not already done so, obtain a license key by filling out the form at

Do not proceed to the next step until you obtain a license key. If you absolutely must keep going, contact technical support now!

30. Connect to Your PAN

Enter the following URL:

http://<fully qualified hostname>/~pan/

where <fully qualified hostname> is the hostname from step #7. Write the URL in the margin.

What you see should be similar to what you saw when you connected to our PAN for the first time in step #24. It will say that the PAN is currently stopped. However, in the lower right-hand corner of the display legend at the top of the page, it will say ++ Not Configured ++ in small red letters.

If this doesn't happen, or you're not sure, stop now!

31. Set Your Preferences

Click Set preferences on the left-hand side of the screen.

The display legend should change to Set User Preferences and you should see a form which has a number of fields which you need to fill in as discussed below.

If this isn't what happens, stop now!

32. These Fields Should Already Be Filled In

The fields in the following table should have the indicated values.

field value
Department <none>
Routing/Mail stop blank
Default print area <all>
Default print queue <none>
Default settings name <none>
Default form name <default>
Resize browser window as needed unchecked
Confirm destructive actions checked
Display date and time in heading checked
Display installation name in heading checked

If they don't, stop now!

33. Enter Values For These Fields

The following fields will be blank, and you will need to supply values as indicated.

field value
Full name your name
User name your login account identifier.. you can enter pan if you don't have an account identifier which you want to use
User password USER
Operator password OPERATOR
Administrator password ADMINISTRATOR

If you're unsure about any of this, stop now!

Click the Save button. You should get a message that Preferences were saved, re-initializing.. and then you should return to the screen you saw in step #30. If this doesn't happen, stop now!

34. Configure The Master Server

On the left-hand side of the screen, click on PAN Administration.

On the submenu which appears, click on Utilities.

On the submenu which appears, click on configuration.

The display legend at the top of the screen should change to Edit the ScriptServer PAN Configuration.

If this isn't what happens, stop now!

35. These Fields Should Already Be Filled In

The fields in the following table should have the indicated values.

field value
Installation name Organization_Name
System title ScriptServer Print Area Network
Paper sizes/Units defaults US should be checked
Checkpoint frequency 3
Throughput frequency 5
Debugging messages in logfile No
Logfiles 30
Job visibility window 60
Ghostscript path

<home directory>/gs/bin/gs

where <home directory> is what you wrote down in step #2

Monitor port 26257
Server host this should be the IP address you wrote down in step #8
Server port 80
Security level high

If they don't, stop now!

36. Enter Values For These Fields

Fill in the indicated values for the following fields. Some of these fields are repeated from the previous section; you should customize the values for your installation.

field value
Installation name we recommend the hostname you wrote down in step #6.
Paper sizes change this to International if appropriate for your locale
Virtual path ~pan
License key enter the value from step #29

If you're unsure about any of this, stop now!

37. Start The PAN

Click the Save button at bottom of the form. Click OK to "really save" the changes. After a short delay the screen will start displaying the names of different files; this will go on for a while.

If you don't see this activity starting, stop now!

Eventually (it could take 5 minutes, it could take half an hour) the screen should say "Operation was successful".

Exit your browser; make sure you exit all instances of your browser, or you will get a message saying that the system is not configured in the following steps.

Restart your web browser, and connect to your PAN (the same URL you connected to in step #30). You will (once again) see a screen saying that the PAN is currently stopped.

Click the link which says Start/Stop PAN command.

The display legend changes to Start or Stop ScriptServer PAN. Click the Start ScriptServer PAN button.

The screen should change to indicate that the operation was successful.

If this doesn't happen, stop now!

38. Check The System

Putting aside the web browser for a moment and returning to the command line prompt, enter the command

ps -ef | grep sbin/pan

Several lines should display. There should be a one-to-one correspondence between lines and the following references (check them off):

If this isn't what you see, or there isn't a one-to-one correspondence, stop now!

Validate Your Installation

39. Configure A Queue On Our Emulator

In this step you are going to configure a queue on the printer emulator running on our web server (true distributed printing!). If you can't get to the outside world on port 9100, it won't work. Stop now, and contact technical support so that we can either supply you with the emulator program or assist you with setting up your first queue on one of your printers.

Enter the following command

telnet 9100

you should see lines very similar to the following:

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

but most importantly, the screen should "hang": this means you're connected!

If this doesn't happen, stop now!

Hold the key on your keyboard marked control or Ctrl down (like a shift key) and press the ] key. You should see a prompt which says something like


type the word quit (lower case) and press return (or enter).

If you get stuck here just kill your command prompt session. If you're still stuck or are unsure what we're talking about, stop now!

Now go back to your web browser.

On the left-hand side, click PAN Administration.

On the submenu which appears, click Manage queues.

On the submenu which appears, click create queue.

In the dialogue box which appears asking for the name of the queue, type Emulator.

From the popup immediately below Print queue resides choose on host. A hostname (the hostname of the PAN server, in fact) should appear in the popup list immediately below.

For IP address, enter

For the IP port, enter 9100.

Click the OK button.

You should get a message saying that the operation was successful. If you have problems following these instructions or this isn't what happens, stop now.

40. Check The System

Going back to your terminal emulator, enter the command

ps -ef | grep sbin/pan

All of the lines which were seen in step #38 should still be there, but there should be one more line referencing /home/pan/sbin/pandeq.

If this doesn't appear to be the case, stop now.

41. Print A File On Your Emulator Queue

Perform the same steps you followed in step #27 to print the same file on your Emulator queue.

If you don't get the same results, stop now.

42. Check For Completion

Perform the same steps you followed in step #28 to check the status of your print job.

If you don't get basically the same results, stop now.

Now What?

Congratulations! Your PAN is up and running!

Now you'll probably want to start a "real" queue and actually print something on paper. If you didn't provide us with make and model information previously so we could give you specific instructions on setting up your first printer, now is a good time to do one or more of the following:

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