Creating a Queue
Functional Test Questionnaire > Creating a Queue

Please fill out the following questionaire as completely as possible. If the questionnaire isn't a good fit, fill out our generic request form instead.

Who made your printer and what kind of printer is it?
( the following fields are 40 characters maximum)



What printing languages does it support?

PostScript ( real Adobe PostScript)

version: (10 characters max)

I have the PPDs


version: (10 characters max)

Other: (20 characters max)


What kind of network interface does it support?

It supports IP (internet protocol)

if not, fill out our generic request form instead

I have it configured with a fixed IP address

It has an internal network card made by (40 characters max)

I know that the RIP answers up on port (6 characters max)

I know that it uses LPD and the service name is (20 characters max)

I'm using an external print server or network interface

manufacturer: (40 characters max)

model: (40 characters max)

I know that it uses LPD and the service name is (20 characters max)

what type of connection is between the interface and the printer? (40 characters max)


Provide some contact information so that we can send your checklist back to you, and get in touch if we need more information:

( the following fields are 40 characters maximum)
Your name:
Company name:
Telephone number:
E-mail address:

Provide any other information you feel might be useful: 1024 characters maximum

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