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XENTIS/File and XENTIS/Update provide powerful database updating tools to XENTIS users. Individually, or in combination, they provide unequaled data manipulation capabilities.

XENTIS/File facilitates movement of data between data files. It allows you to modify, consolidate, and transform data to meet your unique needs. XENTIS/Update gives you the power to quickly and easily perform mass changes to your data files.

Both XENTIS/File and XENTIS/Update employ the same XENTIS three-window screen as XENTIS/Report. This consistent interface makes both tools easy to learn and easy to use.

Data Management

Data Consolidation: XENTIS/File makes data consolidation fast and simple. You can access information from one or more related files, summarize it if necessary, and store it in a single output record. The result can be used for immediate reporting or for long term archival purposes. In addition, consolidated data can provide faster access and decreased disk storage requirements.

Extract Files: XENTIS/File gives you the ability to extract part of your data (partial files, partial records, or partial fields) and store them as new, independent files. These file extracts improve system security, speed reporting, and serve as input to other systems.

Merge Related Data: Where you have multiple data files of like formal, as in distributed data bases, XENTIS/File can easily merge them into a central data repository.

Integration: XENTIS/File is an invaluable tool when integrating diverse applications from different vendors. File gives you the ability to combine related data and to simplify and streamline reporting.

Mass Modifications

Mass Updates: XENTIS/Update simplifies wholesale file changes. Almost any mass change requirement, even those that must simultaneously modify more than one file, can be accomplished with Update. Changes are processed automatically. You can update data elements based on comparisons or the results of calculations. Alternately, Update can be used to prompt for appropriate input values as each record is processed.

Mass Deletions: Purging your system of out-of-date or obsolete records is simple with Update. You can employ multi-file, complex selection logic to determine which records are eligible for deletion. You can then delete related records from up to ten files, simultaneously.

Flexible: Update provides the flexibility to select and modify fields using other files, other data fields, the results of a calculations, or literal values.


Both File and Update honor the access restrictions provided by XENTIS/Dictionary. You have the power to grant or deny access, determine whether or not keys can be changed, and allow multi-file updates to occur.

Both tools optionally provide a log File that describes changes made with each run. In addition, both support the XENTIS audit system provided through XENTIS/Dictionary. An audit activity file tracks all changes, recording who, what and when each change was made.


The uses for both XENTIS/File and XENTIS/Update are limited only by your imagination. Both are valuable tools that transform data into useful information.

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