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XENTIS now supports the creation of HTML Table files from within the XENTIS/Report, XENTIS/File, XENTIS/Word, XENTIS/Model, and XENTIS/Update modules. Instead of writing a regular report, XENTIS can produce output that can be viewed with a web browser where the output has the appearance of a table.

This feature is invoked by entering a response of WEBPAGE at the "Function" prompt. The resulting dialogue is almost identical to the dialogue for XENTIS/Model.

A web page control file is selected, specifying the format and style of the output table. Several pre-written control files ship with XENTIS providing a wide selection of default formats. The user may modify exiting Table control files or create new Table control files to meet their needs.

Like XENTIS/Report, the user may specify up to three lines of text with which to title the report.

The number of rows of data per HTML document may also be specified. This permits breaking up long documents into multiple pages.

The use of the HTML Table feature requires a license for XENTIS/Model or XENTIS/Web (license key modules MOD or WEB).

Creating output files consisting of preformatted HTML (previously included in XENTIS/Report) now requires a XENTIS/Model or XENTIS/Web license.

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