XENTIS Documentation -- Release Notes


                                 XENTIS V4.1
                                Release Notes

        This document contains information about using XENTIS V4.1 and
        highlights features that are available in V4.1 that were not
        available in previous versions.  


        1.  XENTIS V4.1 uses the VMSINSTAL utility to install XENTIS. 
            XENTIS can be installed on any disk or in any directory
            provided certain XENTIS files do not already exist in that

        2.  Release notes and new features are included on the tape.
            Installation instructions are sent separately.

        3.  XENTIS operates on systems with VAX/VMS V5.0 or later.  It
            will not operate on earlier versions of VMS.

        4.  The installation procedure has changed significantly from
            version 3.5 and before.  The default installation places XENTIS
            into four different subdirectories.  These subdirectories
            are: [XENTIS41.DATA], [XENTIS41.IMAGES], [XENTIS41.DEMO], and
            [XENTIS41.INSTALL].  The last directory is optional if disk
            space is tight.  [XEN41.DATA] contains the data files and DCL 
            command files used by XENTIS.  [XENTIS41.IMAGES] contains the 
            executable images.  [XENTIS41.DEMO] contains the demonstration 
            files.  [XENTIS41.INSTALL] contains files that are needed to 
            relink XENTIS.

        5.  XENTIS may need to be relinked for various reasons.  For example:
            Your company acquires a database package that XENTIS supports and 
            subsequently licenses the XENTIS interface to that database.
            XENTIS must be relinked to make the interface operational. 
            Another example:  You wish to use the foreign data type feature.  
            This feature allows XENTIS to support data types that are not 
            normally supported.  One of the steps needed to implement a 
            foreign data type is relinking XENTIS. When upgrading various 
            system software or Digital supplied layered products, it is not 
            normal to have to relink XENTIS.

            If you need to relink XENTIS, then the XENLINK.COM procedure in
            the 'Install' files directory will perform the link.  The
            comments at the top of this procedure should give you adequate
            instructions on how to relink.  Typically all you need to do is
            to enter:   $ SET DEFAULT dev:[XENTIS41.INSTALL]
                        $ @XENLINK
                        $ RENAME *.EXE dev:[XENTIS41.IMAGES]
            where 'dev:' is the disk device where XENTIS is located.

            If XENTIS is installed with the INSTALL utility, then the
            installed images will have to be REMOVEd and ADDed with the
            INSTALL utility after relinking.  Using the Progress database
            or using a limited user license requires that XENTIS be
            installed with the INSTALL utility.

        6.  After installation, XENTIS V4.1 must be enabled with the LKMS 
            License Key Management System.  Instructions for installing the 
            license key are included in the XENTIS V4.1 Installation Guide.

            For each site, the license key determines which XENTIS modules
            are licensed and on which CPU's they are licensed to run.

            If you have already installed a license key for XENTIS then you
            do not need to install it again.  The license key used with V3.6
            and V4.0 will work with V4.1.

        7.  XENTIS V4.1 uses a start-up DCL command file named 
            SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]XENTIS_START.COM.  This file must be executed 
            whenever your computer system is started.  You may choose to 
            insert a line in your system start-up procedure to ensure this is 

            SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]XENTIS_START.COM references the file
            that is the start-up file for the license key system, references
            a file that makes sure certain shareable images that belong to
            Rdb, CDD, or DBMS are installed, inspects the license key and
            installs the XENTIS images with SYSLCK if a limited user count
            license is present, and defines a system-wide logical called 

            XENTIS$COMFILES points to the disk and directory where a file 
            called XENTISLOGICALS.COM is located.  XENTISLOGICALS.COM is
            referenced by XENTIS.COM and XENTIS1.COM, and contains the 
            definition of the logicals XENTIS uses during execution.

            The use of XENTISLOGICALS.COM benefits you by allowing you to
            redefine XENTIS$COMFILES and the logicals in XENTISLOGICALS.COM
            instead of having to copy and change XENTIS.COM or XENTIS1.COM.

        8.  In addition to the original XENTIS menu system, XENTIS V4.1 
            includes the improved menu system introduced with version 3.6.
            MAXCIM users that link XENTIS into the MAXCIM menu can utilize
            the improved menu system by either:
                a.  Renaming XENTIS.COM to XENTIS0.COM,
                    and XENTIS1.COM to XENTIS.COM,   or
                b.  Creating a new XENTIS.COM file that has the following 
                    line:     $ @FIS$NCA50$DATA:XENTIS1.COM
            This technique allows MAXCIM users to not be required to relink

        9.  Granting privileges to XENTIS images with the VMS INSTALL utility
            will also require using the INSTALL utility on certain system
            shareable images.  The system resources required to perform this
            operation are very minimal and will have almost no impact on your

            If Sybase is loaded on your system, be sure that the SYB_DBSHR
            logical is created in the System table using Executive mode.
            You may also need to install this image using the VMS INSTALL 

            If XENTIS is relinked, be sure to remove and add the XENTIS
            images with the INSTALL utility.

        10. Licenses that restrict the concurrent number of users will require
            the XENTIS images to be installed with the SYSLCK privilege.
            This process is done automatically by the XENTIS_START.COM
            procedure found in the SYS$MANAGER: directory.

            If XENTIS is relinked, be sure to remove and add the XENTIS
            images with the INSTALL utility.

        11. Installing XENTIS images with /SHARE qualifier to the VMS INSTALL
            utility will require both global sections and global pages.  The
            number of global sections and global pages required depends upon
            the number of databases that XENTIS was linked with, and varies
            from site to site.  Most sites will need 3 to 6 global sections
            and 2000 to 2500 global pages to install XRP.EXE with /SHARE.
            Most sites that want to install images to be shared need only
            to install the XRP.EXE image.  If you wish to install XENTIS
            images without the /SHARE qualifier then the resources required
            are very minimal and every site should already have enough

            If XENTIS is relinked, be sure to remove and add the XENTIS
            images with the INSTALL utility.

        12. It is recommended that the XRPSCM.EXE and XDCRE.EXE images
            be restricted such that only highly privileged individuals
            be allowed to execute these images.  We suggest that VMS
            ACL's be used to control which users can access these
            programs.  XRPSCM.EXE is the program that compiles the system
            setup file.  XDCRE.EXE is the program that creates a new
            empty data dictionary.


        The XENTIS installation procedure does not do anything different
        if you have a previous version of XENTIS loaded on your system.
        Upgrading from the previous version is essentially the same as
        installing a new license except for a few manual procedures
        listed below.

        1.  A new license key is not needed unless you are also upgrading
            from VMS version 4.x.  In this case you may need a new license

        2.  If you are upgrading to XENTIS V4.1 at the same time you are 
            upgrading from VMS V4.x to VMS V5.x, then you may need to get a 
            new license key from your vendor.  New license keys are not 
            needed if the values returned by F$GETSYI("CPU") and 
            F$GETSYI("HW_MODEL") are equal.  New license keys will not be 
            needed for certain older systems such as, but not limited to, 
            VAX 11/700 series and MicroVax II systems.

        3.  Compiled command files created in previous versions of XENTIS
            must be recreated using XENTIS V4.1.  Please note that the
            need for compile command files is less in V4.1 than in prior
            versions, because V4.1 processes .XCF files faster and compile
            command files are no longer required for run-time-only licenses.

        4.  Pointer files created in previous versions of XENTIS must be
            recreated using XENTIS V4.1.

        5.  Standard (uncompiled) command files (full or partial) created 
            in any 3.X version of XENTIS or version V4.x can be used with 
            XENTIS V4.1.

        6.  Standard command files (full or partial) created with FIS or
            XENTIS V2.X must be converted.  Contact your vendor for 

        7.  If you are using foreign data types, then the packing/unpacking
            routines must be incorporated into the XUUSER_PACK routine.  
            This process is as follows:
            a.  Insert custom code into the XUUSER_PACK.BAS routine as 
                supplied on the distribution tape, or create your own 
                XUUSER_PACK routine written in your favorite language using 
                the same parameters found in the XUUSER_PACK.BAS routine.
            b.  Compile XUUSER_PACK and place it into the XULIBR.OLB library.
            c.  Relink XENTIS according to the instructions above.
            d.  The internal date format that is passed to and from the
                XUUSER_PACK routine has changed slightly to support time. If
                your foreign date does not support time, then no changes are
                necessary to your routine. If you wish to support time, then
                you will need to follow the directions found in the sample
                XUUSER_PACK.BAS routine.

        8.  If you are using callable XENTIS, any program that calls XRPTOP,
            then that program will have to be relinked.  Be sure to
            include the XUNAME module from the XENTIS.OLB library in your
            link command, i.e.     XENTIS.OLB/INCLUDE=XUNAME
            In addition, the following object libraries need to be specified
            in the following order (append /LIB):
                        XSDBMS.OLB      If DBMS is not on the system
                        XSRDB.OLB       If Rdb is not on the system
                        XSRDBSQL.OLB    If Rdb is not on the system

        9.  If you are using Ingres, Rdb, or Sybase and you are upgrading
            from XENTIS V3.4 through XENTIS V3.6, then you may want to 
            utilize the XRPDBCONV program, to convert .XCF files that were 
            created prior to V4.0 to take advantage of the improved 
            relational database interfaces.  See the V4.0 release notes 
            for more information.

        10. The organization of the standard menus have been changed from
            version 3.6 and prior.  If you use DCL .COM files that reference 
            menu items by their number, then those .COM files will need to
            be upgraded to utilize V4.1.

        11. If generic files in your XENTIS/Dictionary data dictionary
            were created prior to XENTIS V3.0, or were created by using the 
            dictionary load utility where the input file was not created by 
            XENTIS, then you may need to run the XDFIX_PREFIX program.  
            See below for more information.

        12. The organization of the system setup file has changed slightly. 
            All parameters that were added from V3.3 through V3.6 have been
            moved from the front of the file into the balance of the file.
            Some new categories have been created and some parameters have 
            been move around to reflect the new categories.  Setup parameter 
            values that were changed from the default in previous versions 
            should be changed in V4.1 also.  The V4.1 installation procedure 
            will leave several files in the data directory;
            XENTISSET.V41_ORIGINAL.  These files are the original copies of 
            the system setup files, as they were shipped, for their 
            respective versions.

            It is recommended that any changes to the system setup parameter
            file be made as additions to the end of the file.  If the setup 
            file compiling program encounters two parameters with the same 
            name, the last one it finds will be the one used.

        13. Temporary dictionaries in V4.1 are compatible with temporary
            dictionaries created in V4.0.  However, they are not guaranteed to
            be compatible in future versions.  Temporary dictionaries are
            considered to be internal data structures and are subject to 
            change from version to version.  Some future version of XENTIS 
            may require you to regenerate any temporary dictionaries you 
            are using.


        1.  Documentation for V4.1 has been reworked.  The format and
            style has changed slightly from the V4.0 documentation, and 
            there have been numerous corrections and additions.

        2.  The tutorial has also been reworked to take advantage of
            the improved keystrokes available in V4.1

        3.  Keyboard templates for DEC LK201 and DEC LK401 keyboards
            are available.  One copy of each template is included with
            each license.  Additional keyboard templates can be ordered
            from your vendor.

        4.  Minor corrections have been made to the Quick Reference Card
            for V4.1.

        5.  Documentation regarding the specifications of Model Control
            Files and Pointer files should not be construed to be a
            commitment that future versions of XENTIS will support the
            exact same specifications.  The specifications of Model
            Control Files and Pointer files are subject to change in any
            future version.  Should you have developed a Model Control
            File that supports a spreadsheet or word processing package
            not currently supplied, please inform your vendor so that it
            can be supplied in the next version.


        1.  /Report and /Report modules (/File, /Word, /Model, /Update).

            a.  XENTIS V4.1 now supports the Progress relational database
                management system.  Some notes pertaining to this database
                interface include:

                .  The Progress interface in not compatible with the Ingres
                   interface due to duplicate routines used by Progress and
                .  XENTIS/Update is not supported for Progress.
                .  XENTIS uses the HLI SQL access to the database. This
                   means sites using this feature must have an HLI license.
                .  The XRP.EXE, XRPNEW.EXE, and XRPLOAD_INFO.EXE images must
                   be installed with the SYSLCK privilege, or the user must
                   have the SYSLCK privilege.  This is an HLI requirement.
                   The XENTIS startup procedure, SYS$MANAGER:XENTIS_START,
                   will install the images with the SYSLCK privilege.
                .  They may also need GROUP or WORLD privileges, depending
                   upon the security of the database.
                .  Character fields will be one byte larger than what is
                   defined in the Progress database.  Progress HLI insists on
                   adding an extra byte for every text field retrieved.
                .  XENTIS does not support all the editing characteristics
                   allowed by Progress in its Format string (XENTIS calls
                   this a print mask).  XENTIS attempts to approximate the
                   format used by Progress.
                .  Date fields will use the standard XENTIS date format
                   while printing.  Progress users may want to use the VMS 
                   Date Formatting Logicals.
                .  Progress views are not yet supported.
                .  Fields using data type 'Recid' are not supported.
                .  Formats for Logical data type fields are not supported.
                   This means that Logicals will print their internal
                   values which are 0 and 1.  XENTIS will treat these
                   fields as byte integers.
                .  The TEXT-IS-STRING setup file parameter will be 
                   automatically set to N when using Progress.
                .  The number of fields per file is limited to 500.
                .  Array fields are supported.
                .  Multi-database reporting will work only if all Progress
                   tables are specified consecutively beginning with the
                   primary table.

                To access a progress database then user should enter
                'PROGRESS:dev:[dir]dbname.ext' at the Dictionary prompt,
                where dev:[dir]dbname.ext is the name of the Progress
                database.  At the Password prompt the user should enter
                'username/password' where username is the Progress
                username and password is the Progress password.

            b.  XENTIS V4.1 uses significantly less CPU than prior versions.
                This improvement exists in almost all phases of producing
                a report.  On average, the dialogue phase uses about 25%
                less CPU than prior versions.  The selection phase and the
                print phase may use anywhere from 10% less CPU to 50% less
                CPU.  Performance gains will not be as great on systems
                that support the full VAX architecture, such as the 
                VAX 11/7xx systems and the VAX 8000 systems, but they will 
                still be significant.

            c.  XENTIS now supports the ability to call a user written
                routine.  This user written routine will be called at certain
                specific points in the selection phase ( after selecting...
                and before sorting...) of the report generation process.

                The data passed to this user written routine includes:
                  .  The places in the selection phase logic that it is
                     being called from.
                  .  The number of input files being processed.
                  .  The names of the files being processed.
                  .  The record sizes of each of the files being processed.
                  .  The needed data dictionary information on each data
                     file being processed.
                  .  The record buffer of each file being processed.

                The places in the selection phase where the user written
                routine will be called from are:
                  .  Initialization.
                  .  Termination.
                  .  Immediately before record selection logic is processed,
                     even if there is no selection logic present.
                  .  Immediately before passing the record to the sort or
                     print routines.
                  .  Immediately after every input file is read.

                This grants the user full access to the report's data file
                buffers at various critical points during the generation of
                the report.

                The user written routine is implemented as a shareable image
                that is dynamically linked to XENTIS while XENTIS is
                executing.  This dynamic linking will occur only if the
                XENTISSHR3GL logical is defined and translates to the
                shareable image containing the user written routine.  The
                entry point of the user written routine must be named

                The user written routine must always pass back a status code
                indicating success or failure.  If a failure code is returned
                during initialization, then XENTIS will not call the user
                written routine again for the duration of the current report.

                Two sample user written routines are supplied, one written
                in BASIC and one written in C.  These sample routines are
                functionally identical and demonstrate how to access the
                data passed to the user written routine.  Additional
                documentation on how to write a user written routine is
                located in the sample routines.

                Due to the potential security risks, this feature requires
                the new setup file parameter ALLOW-3GL to be set to Y.  The
                default value of this parameter is shipped as N.

                Please review the system documentation on the
                LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL for additional technical documentation.

            d.  Compiled command files are now stored in a compressed
                format.  This new compressed format will occupy 10% to 20%
                of the disk space used by compiled command files from
                previous versions.  Compiled command files also now contain
                a copy of the setup file that was used when the compiled
                command file was created.  This provides greater assurance
                the report will run as intended.

            e.  A checksum is now written to XCF files.  This lifts the
                restriction that Run-Time-Only licensees can only execute
                compiled command files.  This means Run-Time-Only licensees
                may execute .XCF files that were created on a development
                system with version 4.1 or later, provided the .XCF file 
                has not changed.  The checksum does not include lines in 
                the .XCF file that are comment-only lines.  This allows 
                developers of .XCF files to add comments to their .XCF files.

            f.  The FIND command in display mode, invoked by pressing the
                FIND key or the F keys, will now always assume a
                wildcard find; the first character being a *.  Entering
                the leading * is now optional.  Additionally, the next
                FIND key will use the previous find as its default search

            g.  The LIST SELECT command will now display a sequence number
                on the left side of the screen for each selection expression

            h.  There are two new setup parameters designed to help prevent
                new users from running reports that are too large.  These
                parameters are READ-LIMIT and SELECT-LIMIT.  READ-LIMIT will
                limit the number of records read from the primary file.
                SELECT-LIMIT will limit the number of record groups that are
                selected.  The user may not exceed the limits specified in
                the setup file, regardless of what is entered at the "Number
                of records to select/read" prompt.  A value of zero 
                indicates that there is to be no limit.  The value shipped
                with V4.1 is 0.

            i.  The value of the setup file parameter TEXT-IS-STRING has
                been changed from N to Y.  This means that all TEXT fields
                will behave as if they are STRING fields.  TEXT fields have
                null characters removed from them during processing, while
                STRING fields are processed unchanged.  This results in a
                performance gain.  If you have data fields that contain
                null characters and you want those null characters removed
                during report processing, then the TEXT-IS-STRING parameter
                should be set to N.

            j.  A sequence number has been added to the "Model Field" prompt
                in XENTIS/Model.

            k.  A setup file parameter has been added to control the
                presence of the dialogue in a batch log file when a XENTIS
                command file (.XCF) is passed to XENTIS.  This parameter
                is named BATCH-DIALOGUE.  If its value is Y, then the report
                definition dialogue will appear in batch log files.  If it
                is N, then the dialogue will not appear.  The value shipped
                with V4.1 is Y.

            l.  XENTIS/Model now supports a GOTO MODEL-n command.  This
                will cause XENTIS to goto the chosen model field.

            m.  XENTIS/Word now supports a GOTO WORD-n command.  This will
                cause XENTIS to goto the chosen word field.

            n.  When in display mode the  key sequence will cause
                XENTIS to advance to the next field.  This key sequence is
                supported only in the FIELD Section, the CLT Section, the
                BREAK Section, the MODEL Section, and the WORD Section.
                The GOTO NEXT command, new in V4.1, performs the same action.
                The F17 function key will also perform the same action.

            o.  A DUMP command is now supported in XENTIS/Report and
                XENTIS/Creport at the first "Field name/number/literal"
                prompt.  This command will scan all files chosen and create
                a default report format using each field in each file.  For
                example, if you have chosen 3 files with 15, 20, and 25 fields
                respectively, then the DUMP command will design a report
                that uses all 60 fields.  Each field will use the default 
                heading and print mask retrieved from the data dictionary.

                The DUMP command will automatically shift the report to use
                the next print line whenever a field would exceed the right
                margin, either 80 or 132 columns.  The DUMP command will
                stop when it attempts to use a print line that exceeds the
                MAX-ROW setup parameter in /Report or the DFLT-PAGE-SIZE
                parameter in /Creport.

                The DUMP command requires the report to not have any reporting
                fields already defined for the report.  If you have some 
                reporting fields defined, then use the DELETE command to 
                remove them.

            p.  A new command, XCOMMENT, has been added.  This command will
                accept a comment from the user and enter it into a .XCF file
                when a .XCF file is created.  For example, entering
                "XCOMMENT my comment" will place " my comment" as a comment
                into the .XCF file that will be created.  Any LIST command
                will display the current comments.  There is no method
                to delete comments once they are entered.  Up to 100 comments
                may be entered.

            q.  The INSERT and DELETE commands are now supported in the
                MODEL, WORD, and the SELECTION Sections of the dialogue.

            r.  There are five new setup file parameters designed to control
                the info window in display mode.  These parameters are
                DISPLAY-ACCUM, and DISPLAY-YESNO.  They control whether or 
                not print frequencies, heading justifications, print masks, 
                accumulated levels, and simple yes/no responses are displayed
                in the info window at the appropriate prompt.  The allowable
                values are Y and N.  The values shipped with V4.1 are Y.

            s.  There are four new display mode commands: MINIMIZE,
                MAXIMIZE, RULERUP, and RULERDOWN.  The MINIMIZE command will 
                shrink the top window to its smallest size.  The MAXIMIZE 
                command will enlarge the top window to its largest size.
                The RULERUP command will move the middle ruler up one line.
                The RULERDOWN command will move the middle ruler down one 
                line.  The F19 and F20 function keys will perform the same

            t.  The default value displayed in the dialogue window will
                now be modified every time the highlighter in the info
                window is moved with the arrow keys, provided the FIND-DEFAULT
                setup parameter is set to Y.  This feature does not take 
                effect on those prompts where the user is to enter an 
                expression such as calculation and selection expressions.

            u.  The available model control files will now be displayed in
                the info window.

            v.  The DIR and LIST commands will now reenter display mode
                upon completion, provided they were executed from display
                mode.  The LIST command will also display the product name 
                and current version.

            w.  Index or Key Names for ISAM files are now fully supported.
                This is useful for SQL database reports that do not use 
                the SQL-JOIN feature, for RMS files that have key names,
                and for Adabas files.  The XENTIS dialogue now accepts
                a key name in the Key Section.  If the USE-KEY-NAME setup
                parameter, new with V4.1, is set to Y, then the Key
                Section of the dialogue will use key names in its defaults,
                and key names will be written to XCF files.  Regardless
                of the value of this setup parameter, both key names or
                key numbers will be accepted in the dialogue.  It is
                recommended that key names be used rather than key numbers
                for SQL databases that utilize the multiple dictionary 
                feature or set the SQL-JOIN parameter to N.

            x.  Error messages will no longer have CTRL/O appended to them
                when executing in batch.  CTRL/O turns off the line drawing
                character set on terminals.

            y.  XENTIS now uses four fewer logical unit numbers than were 
                used in previous versions.  Logical unit numbers are 
                allocated and deallocated using the LIB$GET_LUN and 
                LIB$FREE_LUN library routines.  This is beneficial to those 
                sites using callable XENTIS and user written callable 

            z.  Print masks for numeric fields will now accept text.  You
                must have at least one '#' character in your mask.  If
                extra text is found in a numeric print mask, you may not
                use some of the special formatting for negative numbers
                such as trailing DB, trailing CR, and surrounding 

            aa. There is a new setup parameter called AUTO-ERASE that 
                modifies the behavior of the terminal input routine when
                operating in display mode.  If the value of this parameter
                is Y, then entering any character in the first position of
                the field will cause the rest of the field to be erased.

            bb. The function keys, F6-F20, along the top of a DEC LK201 and
                DEC LK401 keyboard, are now defined for certain operations
                during the definition of a report.  The standard definitions
                of these keys, with and without the PF1 key pressed first,

                        Key     No PF1          One PF1
                        ----    --------        --------
                        F6      \               QUIT
                        F7      WIDE            NARROW
                        F8      NORECALC        RECALC
                        F9      DELETE          INSERT
                        F10     LIST            DIR
                        F11     NODISPLAY       DISPLAY
                        F15     HELP            HELP HELP
                        F16     DO              GOTO CMDFILE
                        F17     GOTO NEXT       GOTO SELECT
                        F18     GOTO EXECUTE    GOTO FUNCTION
                        F19     RULERDOWN       RULERUP
                        F20     MAXIMIZE        MINIMIZE

                These keys are defined in the XENTIS_KEYDEFS.COM file.
                You can take advantage of this feature in V4.0 by
                referencing this procedure in your LOGIN.COM file, with
                the exception of the RULERUP, RULERDOWN, MINIMIZE,
                MAXIMIZE, and GOTO NEXT commands.

            cc. Sybase users may now specify a table from a database other
                than the default database without having to use the multiple 
                dictionary syntax (appending /DICT=xxx/PASS=yyy to the table 
                name). The table name is specified in the format that
                Sybase supports in its native tools: dbname.owner.table.

            dd. There is a new command, SQLWHERE, that is supported for
                the purpose of allowing a user to enter a WHERE clause
                for SQL based databases.  The SQLWHERE command may be
                entered at any prompt.  The syntax of this command is:
                        SQLWHERE sql_where_statement
                where sql_where_statement is any SQL WHERE statement
                that is valid for tables being referenced.  The value of 
                this command will be appended to the WHERE clause generated 
                by XENTIS.  XENTIS will not perform any syntax validation 
                on the SQLWHERE statement entered by the user.  A maximum
                of 256 characters may be entered.

                Proper use of this feature can reduce the number of records
                returned by the database engine to XENTIS.

                An example might be:

                        SQLWHERE A.NAME LIKE 'AJAX%' OR A.NAME LIKE 'ACME%'

                To view the resulting SQL statement that XENTIS generates,
                define the SQL$DEBUG logical to have a value of Y.

            ee. Data record caching is now supported.  This feature can
                be used by setting a setup parameter or by entering a
                qualifier at the "Key number to access filename by" prompt.
                Wise use of caching can improve performance.

                By appending /CACHE=n to the "Key number to access filename
                by" prompt, where n is the size of the cache in records,
                you will be implementing data record caching.  Specifying
                a cache size of zero will disable caching for that file.
                If /CACHE=n is not appended, then default data caching will
                occur according to the setup file.

                To provided good support for caching, there are two setup
                file parameters to control it.  The parameter CACHE-LIMIT
                is the largest size that a cache for any one file may use.
                The parameter DFLT-CACHE is the size of the cache that will
                be used if the user does not specify the /CACHE=n qualifier.
                CACHE-LIMIT may not exceed 100.  Specifying a cache limit
                of zero will disable caching.  Specifying a default cache
                of zero will require each report to specify a cache size.
                The default cache value as specified in shipped setup file
                is zero.

                Caching is not implemented for XENTIS/Update, for files
                using VAX DBMS, for SQL based databases, nor on the target
                files that have a one-to-many relationship.  Specifying a
                cache value in these situations will be ignored.

            ff. There is a new setup file parameter that controls whether
                transactions for SQL databases are READ-ONLY transactions
                or READ-WRITE transactions.  The name of this setup file
                parameter is SQL-READ-ONLY.  The allowable values are Y
                and N.  If the value is Y, then a READ-ONLY transaction will
                be used, otherwise a READ-WRITE transaction will be used.
                The value of this parameter is shipped as Y.  This parameter
                has no affect if the database is Sybase.

            gg. There are several new functions supported in calculation
                expressions.  These functions and a brief description
                are as follows:

                CHR() Function - converts a number to an ASCII character.
                It accepts one numeric argument and returns a one byte
                string whose ASCII value is equal to the numeric argument.
                For example:  ABC;1 = CHR(65)  will yield an "A".

                ASC() Function - converts the first byte of a character
                string to a number.  It is the inverse of the CHR() function.
                It accepts one string argument and returns a number.  For
                example:  ABC = ASC("A") will yield 65.

                FMTNM() function - Converts a number to a string according 
                to a print mask.  The first argument is a number to be
                formatted. The second argument is a string that contains
                a XENTIS numeric print mask.  It returns a string containing
                the formatted number.  For example: 
                ABC;7 = FMTNM(1.23,"###.###")   will yield "  1.230".

                FMTST() function - Converts a string to a string according
                to a print mask.  It is identical to FMTNM except that the
                first argument is a string. For example:
                ABC;14 = FMTST("2063430447","(###) ###-####") will yield
                "(206) 343-0447".

                FMTDT() function - Converts a date to a string according
                to a print mask.  It is identical to FMTNM except that the
                first argument is a date. For example:
                ABC;15 = FMTDT(16-DEC-1989, "Date is: ######") will yield
                "Date is: 16-DEC".

                LOWER() function - Converts a string to lowercase.  It
                accepts a string argument and returns a string.  For example:
                ABC;10 = LOWER("AbcDefGhiJ")  will yield "abcdefghij".

                TIEXT() function - Extracts the time portion of a date that 
                contains time.  The extracted value is the number of seconds
                since midnight.  It accepts one date argument and returns
                a number.  For example: ABC = TIEXT(CURDATETIME) will yield
                7446 ( (2 * 60 * 60) + (4 * 60) + 6 ) where CURDATETIME
                is "10-NOV-1992 02:04:06"

                TICVT() function - Converts an ASCII time to the number of 
                seconds since midnight.  It accepts one string argument and
                returns a number.  The string argument must be in a time
                format acceptable to VMS. For example:
                ABC = TICVT("02:04:06") will yield 7446.

                DAEXT() function - Extracts the date portion of a date field
                resulting in the number of days since 17-Nov-1858. It
                accepts one date argument and returns a number.  For example:
                ABC = DAEXT(CURDATE) will yield 48936 where CURDATE is

                DACVT() function - Converts an ASCII date to the number of 
                days since 17-Nov-1858.  It accepts one string argument and
                returns a number.  For example:  ABC = DACVT("10-NOV-1992")
                will yield 48936.

                DABLD() function - Builds a date from days since 17-Nov-1858
                and number of seconds since midnight.  It accepts two numeric
                arguments; the first is the number of days since 17-Nov-1858,
                and the second is the number of seconds since midnight.  The
                result of the function is a date.  For example:
                NEWDATE = DABLD(48936.,7446.) will yield 10-NOV-1992 02:04:06.

                DYOWK() function - Converts a date field into a number
                representing the day of the week.  The result will be from
                one through seven where one is Monday and seven is Sunday.
                For example:  DAY = DYOWK(19-OCT-1992)  will yield a 1.

                SOUND() function - Converts a text field to a 4 character text
                field according the the soundex algorithm.  The soundex 
                algorithm is designed to produce similar output for similar
                sounding words.  The SQL Services for Rdb documentation
                describes the algorithm.

                USERT() function - Converts a text field to a text field
                according to a 3GL user written routine. Additional information
                may be found elsewhere in this document.

                USERN() function - Converts a numeric field to a numeric field
                according to a 3GL user written routine. Additional information
                may be found elsewhere in this document.

                USERD() function - Converts a date field to a date field
                according to a 3GL user written routine. Additional information
                may be found elsewhere in this document.

            hh. User controlled attributes may now be specified for
                particular columns in XENTIS/Report.  To support this
                feature, the format of the bottom window in display mode
                has been modified slightly and the 'Heading Justify' prompt
                has been modified to accommodate attributes.

                Attributes are specified by appending /ATTR=attr-name to
                your heading justification response, where attr-name is
                the name of the desired attribute.  The attribute entered
                will be validated with the attributes file.

                The name of the attribute and the function that it performs
                are under control of the system manager.  Attributes are
                defined in the XENTIS_ATTRIBUTES.DAT file.  Each attribute
                has a name, an attribute-on sequence of characters, and
                an attribute-off sequence of characters.  The format of
                the attributes file is documented in the file.  The
                attributes file is a standard text file that can be edited 
                with any standard text editor.  Do not print this file 
                because it contains escape sequences that may not be liked 
                by your printer.

                The name of the attributes file is controlled by the new
                ATTR-FILE setup file parameter.  If you choose a different
                name for the setup file, then to avoid confusion with 
                model control files, do not use a DAT extension unless
                you include XENTIS in your filename.  The XENTIS/Model
                function will assume any .DAT file in XENTIS$REPORT$DATA
                that does not include XENTIS or MENU in its name is a model
                control file.

                If a column, or report field, has an attribute associated
                with it, the attribute-on sequence will be printed
                immediately prior to printing of the field, and the
                attribute-off sequence will be printed immediately after
                printing of the field.  This allows the user, with the help
                of the system manager, to do such things as putting the 
                printer into BOLD mode, UNDERLINE mode, BARCODE mode, etc.  
                Attributes may not be associated with a word-wrapped field.

                XENTIS assumes that the attribute-on sequence and the
                attribute-off sequence do not take up any space in the
                output, or that the attribute-on-off sequences are actually
                commands to the printing device rather than data that will
                be printed.  This means that attributes do not affect where
                a field may be placed on the report.  Attributes do not
                take effect when output is to a terminal or a printer that
                it attached to a terminal.  It is also important to realize
                that should you use an attribute to change the size of a
                print font, or something similar to that effect, the output
                may become misaligned, due to the fact that XENTIS has no
                knowledge of fonts.

            ii. User controlled attributes may also be specified on any
                of the three report titles.  This is done by appending
                /ATTR=attribute_name at the end of the title, where
                attribute_name is the name of the desired attribute.

            jj. There are two new setup parameters called HEADING-UNDERLINE
                and TOTAL-OVERLINE.  They may have values of Y or N.  The
                default value as shipped is N.  If HEADING-UNDERLINE is set
                to Y, then XENTIS/Report will print dashes under column
                headings rather than a blank line.  Heading underline has
                no effect if the output is to your terminal.  If 
                TOTAL-OVERLINE is set to Y, then XENTIS/Report will print
                dashes above any accumulated fields.

            kk. The DBKEY scope for Rdb databases in now explicitly set
                to ATTACH rather than using the default value.

            ll. User written functions are now supported in the CALCULATION
                section.  There are three classes of user written
                functions: text, numeric, and date.  Each function class
                uses two parameters.  The first parameter is the name of the
                user written function, expressed as a string literal.  The
                second parameter is the value to be passed to the user
                written function.  The data class of the second parameter
                must match the class of the function.

                Using the XENTIS function USERT indicates that the user
                written function will be a Text function; USERN indicates
                that the user written function will be a Numeric function;
                and USERD indicates that the user written function will
                be a Date function.

                Example calculation expressions using this feature are:

                        NEWTEXT;40 = USERT( "CAPITALIZE", COMPANY_NAME )
                        NEWNUMBER  = USERN( "EVENODD", ANY_NUMBER )
                        NEWDATE    = USERD( "LASTYEAR", ANY_DATE )

                User written functions may be written in any 3GL language.
                Instructions on how to write a user written function are
                found in the sample user written functions provided on
                the release tape.  Sample routines are supplied, and written
                in the BASIC and C programming languages.  The name of
                the sample user written function is XENTIS_USER_FUNCTION,
                and it can be found in the XENTIS data directory, usually

                Please review the system documentation on the
                LIB$FIND_IMAGE_SYMBOL for additional technical documentation.

            mm. The LIST command will now accept an optional filename.
                This will cause the output of the LIST command to be put
                into a disk file rather than be displayed on the user's
                terminal.  An example would be:


                The output of the LIST command would be place into the
                file MYDISK:[MYDIR]MYFILE.LIS.  Any errors while opening
                the output file will result in the output being placed
                on the user's terminal.

                The LIST command has also been enhanced to allow for a
                topic of SETUP.  The LIST SETUP command will display the
                current contents of all setup parameters.

            nn. A performance problem involving the interface to VAX DBMS
                and CDD-Plus has been resolved.  The performance problem
                exists within CDD-Plus.  The general solution is to read
                CDD-Plus only once for each subschema in the database.  The
                technical solution involves writing a special .XDB32F file
                into the same directory where the DBMS root file is located. 
                This is automatically done the first time each subschema
                belonging to the root file is accessed.  There will be a
                separate .XDB32F file for each subschema.

                Because of this design, the first XENTIS/Report user of the
                VAX DBMS interface should have the appropriate privilege to
                create this file and to retrieve subschema information from
                CDD-Plus.  It is also important to keep this .XDB32F file in
                sync with the database.  Therefore, if any subschema in the
                database changes, then the DBA should integrate the database
                into the CDD-Plus, delete the appropriate .XDB32F file, and
                execute XENTIS/Report so that a new .XDB32F file will be
                created that will reflect the modified subschema.  We
                recommend that appropriate ACL's be placed on the .XDB32F
                files to control which users can read this file.

            oo. When filenames and tables are being retrieved from the data
                dictionary, a message will now be displayed to indicate
                that this action is being taken.  This message is displayed
                because some dictionaries have a lot of data or some 
                databases are slow to return this information.  This is also
                an indication that the INFO_FILE is not being used.

            pp. When HELP HELP is entered or when the TOPICS choice is
                selected from the HELP items, a message will be displayed
                indicating that HELP topics are being retrieved.  This 
                message is displayed because it can take a long time to 
                retrieve all of the help topics.

            qq. An undocumented logical, designed specifically for technical
                support assistance, will write a significant amount of 
                internal technical specifications to a newly created XCF
                file.  To utilize this feature set the XENTIS$SUPPORT
                logical to Y.

            rr. The value of the setup file parameter DFLT-WRITE-CMD as it
                is shipped has been changed from N to Y.  This is done so
                on the belief that when most reports are defined it is
                desirable to save them for future use.

            ss. Error messages have been improved when a calculation error
                occurs, such as a divide by zero error. The error message
                will include information that will allow the user to
                identify the record(s) causing the error.

            tt. Hashed indexes are now recognized by XENTIS.  They may
                be used when SQL-JOIN is set to N provided only a full
                key is specified in the key section of the dialogue and
                N is responded to the 'Does this key have multiple records'
                prompt.  To avoid breaking any existing .XCF file, hashed
                indexes will appear at the end of the index list and will
                have '_HASH' appended to their name.

            uu. There are two new setup file parameters that control the
                description used for grand total lines.  GT-DESC-1 is used
                if it will fit on the grand total line.  If GT-DESC-1 will
                not fit on the grand total line, then GT-DESC-2 will be
                used.  If GT-DESC-2 will not fit, then no description will
                be included on the grand total line.

        2.  /File

            a.  There is now a new setup parameter that controls the default
                value for the "Create New Sequential File" prompt.  The name
                of this parameter is DFLT-NEW-SEQ.  The allowable values are
                Y, N, and H.  The value shipped with V4.1 is N.

            b.  XENTIS/FILE now supports the GENERATE-REPORT setup file
                parameter similar to its function in XENTIS/Report.  If
                this parameter has a value of Y when creating a new
                sequential file, and no records are selected, XENTIS/File
                will create the new sequential file and leave it empty.  If
                the value of this parameter is N, then XENTIS/file will not
                create a new sequential file.

            c.  A new response value is now allowed at the "Accumulate"
                prompt for numeric fields.  The value X is added to the
                allowable values of Y, N, and R.  The X value behaves just
                like the R, for running totals, except that the running
                total will not be reset at a break, when performing summary

            d.  If a data file has an Add-Date defined for it, XENTIS
                and MAXCIM ECB dictionaries only, then XENTIS will now 
                include a time value if the date data type chosen for the 
                Add-Date supports time.

        3.  /Dictionary

            a.  The "Create a new empty data dictionary" utility will yield 
                a slightly better RMS design than in previous versions.

            b.  Default print masks are now allowed for text data types.

            c.  The "Pttrn Match" field attribute is no longer used.  Loading
                existing dictionary dump files will ignore this field
                attribute.  This feature was never implemented.  Its
                current space in the data dictionary is now used by
                print masks that are longer than 16 characters.  This will
                cause a minor problem if someone has entered anything in
                the "Pttrn Match' field attribute when defining data prior
                to version 4.1.  The symptom will be extraneous characters
                at the end of the default print mask.  The solution to 
                this problem is to correct the default print mask.

            d.  Longer print masks may now be entered.  Print masks may be
                up to 48 characters.

            e.  A response of Q is now allowed at the "Add, Change,
                Delete, List, Rename, Exit" menu and at the "File, Field,
                Table, Password, View, Exit" menu.  A response of Q will
                cause the program to exit.

            f.  Print masks for numeric fields will now accept text.  You
                must have at least one # character in your mask.

            g.  The "Create a new empty datafile" utility will now prompt
                the user for changes and duplicates for each key defined
                in the file.  This utility has also changed the name of
                the temporary FDL file that it uses and this name will now
                be displayed if the temporary FDL file is not deleted.

            h.  The maximum size of a validation table has been increased
                to 500 bytes.  The maximum number of entries allowed has
                been increased to 250.

            i.  The terminology displayed on the screen in the 'Dump' and
                'Load' dictionary utilities has been slightly modified.
                The term 'Sequential' has been replaced with 'Text' and the
                term 'Unload' has been replace with 'Dump'.  These two
                utilities also now use a default file extension of .DMP
                if no extension is specified.

            j.  The CDD to XENTIS dictionary transfer has been enhanced
                to accept a file containing COBOL record description.  This
                enhancement results in an additional prompt prior to the
                'Pathname to transfer' prompt.  The additional prompt is
                'Transfer type CDD or COBOL'.  The valid responses are CDD
                or COBOL.  If the response is COBOL, then the Pathname
                prompt is modified to 'Filename to transfer'.

                This enhancement also supports the ability to transfer
                multiple COBOL record layouts from a single COBOL source
                file.  When this occurs, the program will return to the
                'Include structure level fields' prompt when it encounters
                the next record.

                Some restrictions include:
                .  Only VAX Cobol from DEC is supported.
                .  Only two levels of occurs are supported.
                .  66, 77, and 88 levels are not supported.
                .  The program stop processing if it encounters the phrase
                .  The VALUE IS clause is not supported.
                .  The SYNCHRONIZED clause is not supported.
                .  The JUSTIFIED clause is not supported.
                .  FILLER fields will have a field generated using the name
                   of FILLER-n where n is a sequence number.

        4.  /Edit

            a.  XENTIS/Edit will now display text data according to the
                print mask found in the data dictionary. It is important
                to note that when adding data to a file, the default
                value for text fields, at the time the text field is
                being entered, will not include any extra characters from
                the print mask, nor should the user enter any of these
                extra characters.  For example, if a phone number is a
                text field with a print mask of (###) ###-####, the
                user should not enter the parentheses, the space, or the
                dash characters.

        5.  General Enhancements

            a.  XENTIS now supports the time portion of date data type
                fields that allow time.  These data types include:
                VMS Date (DA), Text Date (TDA), Sybase Date (SDA), Ingres
                Date (IDA), the new MDY data type, the new DMY data type,
                and user defined date data types.  The smallest measurement
                of time supported is a full second; fractions of seconds
                are not supported and will be ignored.  To print the time
                portion of a date field, extend the print mask to 20 #

                Previous versions of XENTIS would remove time portion of
                any datetime field, (VMS Date, Ingres Date, Sybase Date).
                To maintain compatability with previous versions, there is
                a new setup file parameter called IGNORE-TIME.  If this
                parameter is set to Y, then XENTIS will remove the time
                portion of any datatype field.  If it is set to N it will
                not remove it.  So that existing reports will not be broken
                by V4.1, the value of this parameter is shipped as Y.  This
                parameter is not used by XENTIS/Edit.

                To remove time from a datetime field without this parameter
                set to Y use the DABLD and the DAEXT functions in a
                calculation as follows:
                        NEWDATE = DABLD( DAEXT( OLDDATETIME ), 0. )

                Please note that the literals TODAY, TOMORROW, and YESTERDAY
                are VMS datetime literals.  Their current VMS definition is
                for midnight of the specified day.

                A calculation is necessary to specify a date literal that 
                includes time.  For example, to create a datetime literal
                using the value of 15-OCT-1992 12:14:16, create the
                following calculation:
                    CALC1 = DABLD(DACVT("15-OCT-1992"),TICVT("12:14:15"))
                This is necessary because the standard VMS datetime
                syntax includes a space between the date portion and the
                time portion.  The XENTIS parser sees the space and thinks
                that it has reached the end of the literal.

            b.  The audit trail feature used in /Edit and /Update has been
                enhanced.  Reliability has been improved and the format
                of the audit trail record has changed.  The format of the
                audit trail record is now:

                        DATA FIELD            LENGTH    DATA TYPE
                        --------------------  ------    ---------
                        Receiver Name           12      Text
                        Generic Filename        32      Text
                        Message Type             1      Text (A, C, or D)
                        Current Date-Time        8      VMS Date
                        VMS Terminal Name       12      Text
                        VMS Username            12      Text
                        VMS Node Name            6      Text
                        VMS Process Id           8      Text
                        Date Prior Change        8      VMS Date
                        RFA                      6      RFA
                        Record Length            2      Word
                        Record Image 1           n      Record Image
                        Record Image 2           n      Record Image

                The Terminal Name field has been expanded from 6 bytes to
                12 bytes.  The Username, Node Name, and Process ID fields
                are new in XENTIS V4.1.

            c.  The output filename prompt in the Audit Trail Manager
                program has been lengthened to allow long filenames to be
                entered.  In addition, the process name of the audit trail
                process has been modified.  The process name now begins
                with 'aud' rather than 'AUD'.  This will allow you to
                verify that the correct version of the audit trail is

            d.  XENTIS now supports 3 additional date data types.  The
                abbreviation for these data types are MDY, DMY, and RDR.
                All three data types are fully supported in all modules
                of XENTIS including XENTIS/Edit.  When defining these
                data types in XENTIS/Dictionary you should use the MDY,
                DMY, and RDR codes.

                MDY is a 6, 8, 12, or 14 character date data type where the 
                first 2 characters indicate the month, the second 2 characters
                indicate the day of the month, and the next 2 or 4 characters
                indicate the year.  All characters must be numeric characters
                from 0 through 9.  When writing to a file, the null date will
                be written as "000000" or "00000000".  Many users have been
                using the foreign data type feature or the Dn functions to
                support this date data type.  Using these features is no
                longer necessary and will degrade performance.  When the
                year segment is two characters, XENTIS will assume years
                1900 though 1999 will be used.  When the length is 12 or 14
                characters, time is included in the field.  With 12 characters
                only hours and minutes are included, but with 14 characters
                seconds is also included.  In this case the data might be
                represented by a MMDDYYYYHHMMSS layout.

                DMY is identical to MDY except that the month and day
                segments of the date are switched around.

                RDR is a date that is identical to the RDA (RSTS/E Date)
                data type except that the two bytes are reversed.

            e.  The TDA data type has been expanded to accept a length of
                6, 12, or 14 characters.  When this data type is 6 characters,
                the year segment is shorted from 4 characters to 2 characters.
                Two character years in TDA data types will assume years from
                1900 through 1999.  When the data type is 12 characters,
                a 2 character hour field and a 2 character minute field is
                added.  When the data type is 14 characters, a 2 character
                seconds field is added to the 12 character TDA field.  When
                the TDA field is 14 characters the format of the data might
                be represented by a YYYYMMDDHHMMSS layout.

            f.  There is a new menu entry that allows a user to submit an
                existing report to batch.  If the report contains either
                prompted literals or command file Substitution, then the
                user will be prompted for the appropriate data before the
                job is submitted to batch.

            g.  The XENTIS Tutorial should now work with XENTIS/Dictionary
                even if XENTIS/Dictionary is not licensed.

            h.  When selecting 'Run an existing report' or 'Modify an
                existing report' from the menu, the initial screen that
                is displayed is no longer blank.  The appearance of the
                screen has been enhanced, and the prompt has been enhanced.

            i.  Error messages have been improved if an error occurs when
                a new default data dictionary is specified.


        1.  Print frequency U (for Unique) and the setup parameter
            ACCUM-IF-UNIQUE may not always work when multiple primary files
            are being used.  This is because two records in different primary
            files may have the same record pointer (RFA in RMS files).  After
            sorting, these two records may get sorted next to each other.  As
            a result, XENTIS thinks they are the same record, because they
            have the same RFA.

        2.  If the user enters a prompted literal, then backs up and makes
            a correction to the prompted literal, the user may be
            prompted for the first literal even though it is no longer part
            of the report.  This happens because literals that were entered
            and then changed during the report definition, remain in the
            internal literal pool.  This problem will automatically
            disappear when the report definition is saved and the report is
            reexecuted after exiting.

        3.  A problem may occur with XENTIS Dictionaries created prior to
            XENTIS V3.1.  In some cases the prefix entry in the file
            record was not created correctly.  Due to enhancements made to
            the processing of prefixes, the incorrect data stored in such
            prefixes may cause reports or /Edit to work incorrectly.  This
            problem is resolved by running "Edit a Data Dictionary" from the
            XENTIS/Dictionary menu and selecting "Change" "File" followed
            by changing the prefix value from spaces to null.  Running the
            program XDFIX_PREFIX found the the images directory will also
            correct this problem.

        4.  The sizes of all records from all input files, plus calculations,
            sort records, and literals, cannot exceed 32767 bytes.

        5.  /Update does not allow the same data file to be used twice,
            unless those files are used only to perform selection and/or
            calculations.  This means that you cannot modify a field or
            delete a record if that field or record is located in a file that
            is used two or more times in a single /Update run.  This
            restriction is placed due to problems involving record locking,
            rereading records by RFA, and RMS not being able to keep track of
            where the next record is located.  This restriction may cause
            certain existing XENTIS command files to no longer work;
            receiving the error message "Same physical file update not
            allowed".  These XENTIS command files may not have been working
            correctly.  The solution to this problem is to perform this
            operation in two passes; the first being a SELECT function where
            the desired records are selected and their pointers are saved
            into a pointer file, followed by a REUPDATE where the selected
            records are read after retrieving their pointers from the pointer
            file. This restriction was effective with V3.6 of XENTIS.

        6.  When using VAX DBMS with XENTIS, if the same file is specified 
            twice, XENTIS may under some circumstances enter an endless
            loop while under other circumstances it will not retrieve all
            desired records.  An example of this occurs in the sample
            PARTS database linking the EMPLOYEE to DIVISION to EMPLOYEE 
            using the MANAGES set and then the CONSISTS_OF set.  This problem
            also occurs if a 3GL program is written using embedded DML
            statements.  It is suspected that this may be a problem with
            VAX DBMS rather than XENTIS.

        7.  When using a MAXCIM ECB data dictionary, only one version of a
            data file is allowed.  Specifying a version other than the most
            current version will be ignored.  Using the ACTUAL/GENERIC syntax
            does not get around this restriction.  The LIST FILES command
            displays the filename as the user entered the filename, which
            will be different from the file that will be used if a version
            other than the most current version is entered by the user.

        8.  When using multiple dictionary reporting with DBMS when DBMS is
            not your default data dictionary, then a subschema should be
            specified only on your first DBMS file.  It will be rejected on
            subsequent DBMS files.  For example:
                Fourth file? DIVISION/DICT=DBMS

        9.  When using DBMS under certain circumstances, the user may
            encounter the error: "Error opening data \ \ -- %RMS-E-ACT,
            file activity precludes operation".  When this error occurs,
            enter an ERASE command and start the report definition again.

        10. The REDISPLAY command does not always work correctly when
            DBMS is used, the output is to the users terminal, and when
            there is no requested sort.

        11. The DROP-PRIV setup file parameter has no effect with MAXCIM
            V4 or later files.  This is to conform to the MAXCIM security 

        12. The Rdb interface of XENTIS does not work if XENTIS is linked
            to both the DAS file structure and to Rdb's SQL.  If both
            are desired, then two images must be linked.  Contact customer
            support for more information.

        13. Calculations on totals should not use more than one occurrence
            of the same data field in the same report.  An easy work around
            is to specify a calculation such as:  AMOUNT3 = AMOUNT(3)

        14. There is no support in the software for descending keys.  They
            may, however, work under certain limited circumstances where
            the ascending/descending nature of the key is not used.

        15. Entering a print mask using dual leading dollar signs or dual
            leading asterisks without including a trailing minus sign is
            accepted.  Printing negative data will thus erroneously print
            as if it were positive, with no error indicated.

        16. Due to duplicate routine names used by Progress and Ingres,
            XENTIS will not work with both Progress and Ingres.  If a cpu
            has both Progress or Ingres installed one of the following
            steps must be take prior to linking XENTIS or installing XENTIS:
                .  The Ingres software must be shut down and its system
                   logicals removed (II_FRAMELIB, II_COMPATLIB, and 
                .  The Progress software must be shut down and its system 
                   logical removed (PROLOAD).
            Either of these steps will cause XENTIS to not see the particular
            database and will therefore link in stub routines.

            Specifying ING, PRO, or INGPRO for a third parameter to the
            XENLINK.COM procedure will instruct XENLINK to excluded the
            specified database.  Read the XENLINK.COM procedure for more


        Listed below are some of the problems that have been fixed in
        version 4.1.  This list is not intended to be a complete list.  
        However, it does list many of the bugs that were reported by 
        customers and all bugs that may materially affect processing.

        1.  If a compiled command file was used and the output was directed
            to the printer port on the user's terminal, subsequent executions
            of the compiled command file would result in the output being
            placed in a file called PRINTERPORT.LIS.

        2.  The wrong help message was displayed at the "Press return to exit"

        3.  If a user setup file was locked by another process, XENTIS/Report
            would abort.

        4.  The BROWSE function from the menu would assume all output files
            had a filetype (extension) of '.LIS'.  BROWSE will now use the
            filetype specified in the setup file parameter DFLT-OUTPUT.  It
            also assumed that your file was in your current default directory.
            It will now use the default directory specified in the setup file.

        5.  Under certain circumstances attempts to modify a calculation 
            when using /MODEL or /FILE may result in an inability to 
            complete the calculation section.

        6.  REUPDATE could select the wrong number of records when using a
            MAXCIM V3 dictionary if the number of records previously selected
            were less than the number of fields in the file being updated.

        7.  XENTIS/Update with a MAXCIM ECB dictionary did not process the
            external reference checks correctly when there were 2 or more
            external reference checks for the file being updated.  This is
            applicable to MAXCIM version 4 or later.

        8.  Including a !~~PROMPT command in an .XCF file without any
            definition commands (!~~D) for command file substitution would 
            cause an abort.  It will now ignore the !~~PROMPT command.

        9.  Secondary input files that were relative where the join field
            from a previous file had a length that was not controlled by the
            data type (i.e. zoned decimal vs. integer ) would not read the
            correct record from the relative file.

        10. The help message for the "Enter calc expression" prompt was
            accidently merged with the help message for the "Do you wish to
            have calculations" prompt.

        11. Numeric prompted literals could not be changed.

        12. Header records in relative files that contained header records
            were not processed correctly.

        13. Simple calculations assignments of the nature "NEWDATE = OLDDATE"
            for date datatypes would work only if OLDATE was a VMS DATE 
            data type.

        14. Responding to B at the execute prompt when your default dictionary
            was an Rdb database would not create a correct DCL .COM file.

        15. Compiled command files would contain and enforce the file
            version number of pointer files.

        16. The processing status message would appear in the output if the
            output was to a printer port.

        17. A data file with nine keys could not be included in a view when
            defining a view in XENTIS/Dictionary.

        18. Rdb users are no longer required to have the ACCUM-IF-UNIQUE
            setup parameter set to N for accumulation to work.

        19. XCF files would not be created correctly when the default
            dictionary is CDD and CDD$DEFAULT is defined in such a way that
            the first node of the translation is in turn another logical.

        20. XCF files would not be created correctly if a prompted literal
            was used for either the "First key to read" or "Last key to read"
            prompt, and the data type of the key was a VMS Date, and the
            prompted literal data class was D.

        21. XENTIS/Update would abort when trying to write to the log file
            if the user did not have write privileges to his default

        22. Attempts to GOTO past the calculation section when calculations
            existed, and at least one calculation could not be expanded from
            from field numbers to field names would result in the user
            having to press Return many times in response to warning 

        23. If the output report file was on another node in the network and
            the output disk on the target node had a name that did not exist
            on the local node, then XENTIS would not accept the output file

        24. Invalid dates in XENTIS/Edit would return the current date rather
            than inform the user of an error.

        25. Conditional calculations where the result was a string whose
            value was not set in a previous calculation would result in 
            printing nulls rather than spaces if the setup parameter 
            TEXT-IS-STRING was set to Y.

        26. XENTIS/File required both read and write access to all fields 
            in the output file in XENTIS V4.0.

        27. Calculations in XENTIS/Update would under certain circumstances
            yield strange results when a VAL or ABS function was also used.

        28. Entering more than 20 SET commands would cause an abort.

        29. A GOTO SELECT-99 command would cause an erroneous error message.

        30. A problem regarding replacing missing records with zeros/nulls
            when the source key to read was spaces and no records had yet
            been read from the auxiliary data file has been corrected.

        31. XENTIS/Report failed to enter display mode if a command file was
            passed to it when the START-IN-DISPLAY parameter was set to Y
            and the START-IN-DISPLAY-CMD parameter was set to N.  It will
            now enter display mode when it has finished processing the 
            command file.

        32. Using print frequency H would sometime cause those field with
            the H print frequency to print twice.  This usually happened
            when a break and a new page occurred at the same time.

        33. The XENTIS/Report dialogue did not recognize when a partial
            field was being used as a break field for the purpose of
            generating a default break description.

        34. A misleading error message would be displayed when XENTIS
            received the error message 'Global page table is full' from
            the operating system.  It was displaying 'Not a BASIC error'.

        35. The XENTIS/Dictionary utilities now gets it input from SYS$INPUT
            rather than SYS$COMMAND.  This allows DCL command files to
            use dictionary utilities.

        36. XENTIS will now reference its images by explicitly using a
            filetype (extension) of '.EXE;'.  This insures that the image
            activator will execute the image file with the highest version
            number rather than possibly executing another version of the
            image that is installed with the INSTALL utility; even if that
            other version can not be found with a DIR command. (Files don't
            really get deleted until they are deinstalled.)

        37. Summary output using XENTIS/File where the output file contained
            more that 150 fields would fail in V4.0.  This has been fixed.

        38. The word wrap feature did not work correctly when combined with
            print frequency F.

        39. When creating a DCL .COM file by responding with C at the
            "Execute" prompt in /Report, the dictionary file specified in
            the resulting .COM will no longer include a version number.

        40. Random aborts of XENTIS/Edit with 'Memory Management' or 
            'Access Violation' errors has been fixed.


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