XENTIS Documentation -- Release Notes


                                 XENTIS V4.0
                                Release Notes

        This document contains information about using XENTIS V4.0 and
        highlights features that are available in V4.0 that were not
        available in previous versions.  


        1.  XENTIS V4.0 uses the VMSINSTAL utility to install XENTIS. 
            XENTIS can be installed on any disk or in any directory
            provided certain XENTIS files do not already exist in that

        2.  Release notes and new features are included on the tape.
            Installation instructions are sent separately.

        3.  XENTIS operates on systems with VAX/VMS V5.0 or later.  It may
            operate on earlier versions of VMS, but it has not been 
            properly tested on earlier versions.

        4.  The installation procedure has changed significantly from
            version 3.5 and before.  The default installation places XENTIS
            into four different sub-directories.  These sub-directories
            are: [XENTIS40.DATA], [XENTIS40.IMAGES], [XENTIS40.DEMO], and
            [XENTIS40.INSTALL].  The last directory is optional.
            [XEN40.DATA] contains the data files and DCL command files used 
            by XENTIS.  [XENTIS40.IMAGES] contains the executable images.  
            [XENTIS40.DEMO] contains the demonstration files.
            [XENTIS40.INSTALL] contains files that are needed to relink XENTIS.

        5.  XENTIS may need to be relinked for various reasons.  For example:
            your company acquires a database package that XENTIS supports and 
            licenses the XENTIS interface.  XENTIS must be relinked to make the 
            interface operational. Another example:  you wish to use the 
            foreign data type feature.  This feature allows XENTIS to support 
            data types that are not normally supported.  One of the steps 
            needed to implement a foreign data type is relinking XENTIS. 
            When upgrading various system software or Digital supplied layered
            products, it is not normal to have to relink XENTIS.

            If you need to relink XENTIS, then the XENLINK.COM procedure in
            the 'Install' files directory will perform the link.  The
            comments at the top of this procedure should give you adequate
            instructions on how to relink.  Typically all you need to do is
            to enter:   $ SET DEFAULT dev:[XENTIS40.INSTALL]
                        $ @XENLINK
                        $ RENAME *.EXE dev:[XENTIS40.IMAGES]
            where 'dev:' is the disk device where XENTIS is located.

        6.  After installation, XENTIS V4.0 must be enabled with the LKMS 
            License Key Management System.  Instructions for installing the 
            license key are included in the XENTIS V4.0 Installation Guide.

            For each site, the license key determines which XENTIS modules
            are licensed and on which CPU's they are licensed to run.

            If you have already installed a license key for XENTIS then you
            do not need to install it again.

        7.  XENTIS V4.0 uses a start-up DCL command file named 
            SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]XENTIS_START.COM.  This file must be executed 
            whenever your computer system is started.  You may choose to 
            insert a line in your system start-up procedure to ensure this is 

            SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]XENTIS_START.COM references the file
            that is the start-up file for the license key system, references
            a file that makes sure certain shareable images that belong to
            Rdb, CDD, or DBMS are installed, inspects the license key and
            installs the XENTIS images with SYSLCK if a limited user count
            license is present, and defines a system-wide logical called 

            XENTIS$COMFILES points to the disk and directory where a file 
            called XENTISLOGICALS.COM is located.  XENTISLOGICALS.COM is
            referenced by XENTIS.COM and XENTIS1.COM and contains the 
            definition of the logicals XENTIS uses during execution.

            The use of XENTISLOGICALS.COM benefits you by allowing you to
            redefine XENTIS$COMFILES and the logicals in XENTISLOGICALS.COM
            instead of copying and changing XENTIS.COM or XENTIS1.COM.

        8.  In addition to the original XENTIS menu system, XENTIS V4.0 
            includes the improved menu system introduced with version 3.6.
            MAXCIM users that link XENTIS into the MAXICM menu can utilize
            the improved menu system by either:
                1.  Renaming XENTIS.COM to XENTIS0.COM,
                    and XENTIS1.COM to XENTIS.COM,   or
                2.  Create a new XENTIS.COM file that has the following line:
                        $ @FIS$NCA50$DATA:XENTIS1.COM
            This technique allows MAXCIM users to not be required to relink

        9.  Granting privileges to XENTIS images with the VMS INSTALL utility
            will also require using the INSTALL utility on certain system
            shareable images.  The system resources required to perform this
            operation are very minimal and will have almost no impact on your

            If Sybase is loaded on your system be sure that the SYB_DBSHR
            logical is created in the System table using Executive mode.
            You may also need to install this image using the VMS INSTALL 

        10. Licenses that restrict the concurrent number of users will require
            the XENTIS images to be installed with the SYSLCK privilege.
            This process is done automatically by the XENTIS_START.COM
            procedure found in the SYS$MANAGER: directory.

        11. Installing XENTIS images with /SHARE qualifier to the VMS INSTALL
            utility will require both global sections and global pages.  The
            number of global sections and global pages required depends upon
            the number of databases that XENTIS was linked with, and varies
            from site to site.  Most sites will need 3 to 6 global sections
            and 2000 to 2500 global pages to install XRP.EXE with /SHARE.
            Most sites that want to install images to be shared need only
            to install the XRP.EXE image.  If you wish to install XENTIS
            images without the /SHARE qualifier then the resources required
            are very minimal and every site should already have enough


        1.  Compiled command files created in previous versions of XENTIS
        must be recreated using XENTIS V4.0.

        2.  Pointer files created in previous versions of XENTIS must be
        recreated using XENTIS V4.0.

        3.  Standard (uncompiled) command files (full or partial) created 
        in any 3.X version of XENTIS can be used with XENTIS V4.0.

        4.  Standard command file (full or partial) created with FIS or
        XENTIS V2.X must be converted.  Contact your vendor for assistance.

        5.  If you are using foreign datatypes, then the packing/unpacking
        routines must be incorporated into the XUUSER_PACK routine.  This
        process is as follows:
          a.  Insert custom code into the XUUSER_PACK.BAS routine as supplied
          on the distibution tape, or create your own XUUSER_PACK routine
          written in your favorite language using the same parameters found
          in the XUUSER_PACK.BAS routine.
          b.  Compile XUUSER_PACK and place it into the XULIBR.OLB library.
          c.  Relink XENTIS according to the instructions above.

        6.  If you are using callable XENTIS, any program that calls XRPTOP,
        then that program will have to be relinked.

        7.  If you are using Ingres, Rdb, or Sybase, then you may want to
        utilize the XRPDBCONV program, to convert XCF files to take advantage
        of the improved relational database interfaces.  See below for more

        8.  The organization of the standard menus have been changed.  If
        you use DCL .COM files that reference menu items by their number,
        then those .COM files will need to be upgraded to utilize V4.0.

        9.  If generic files in your XENTIS/Dictionary data dictionary
        were created prior to XENTIS V3.0 or were created by using the 
        dictioary load utility where the input file was not created by XENTIS,
        then you may need to run the XDFIX_PREFIX program.  See below for more

        10. If you are upgrading to XENTIS V4.0 at the same time you are 
        upgrading from VMS V4.x to VMS V5.x then you may need to get a new 
        license key from your vendor.  New license keys are not needed if 
        the values returned by F$GETSYI("CPU") and F$GETSYI("HW_MODEL") are
        equal.  New license keys will not be needed for certain older system
        such as, but not limited to, VAX 700 series and MicroVax II systems.


        The documentation has been reformatted, restructured, and in many
        places rewritten for easier reading and easier finding of information.

        A tutorial has also been written as is available.


        1.  /Report and /Report modules (/File, /Word, /Model, /Update).

            a.  Tables from Rdb, SYBASE, and INGRES can now be joined in
                an improved manner.  In previous versions XENTIS would
                join database tables rather than having the database engine
                join the tables.  This would sometimes result in poor
                execution performance.

                Allowing the database engine to join the tables together comes
                with a cost.  The dialogue in the key section has changed, the
                ability to choose a one-to-one relationship when the relation-
                ship is actually one-to-many is no longer available, and the
                ability to replace missing records with zeros/nulls (also
                known as outer joins) is not available with Rdb and INGRES.
                Outer joins are available with SYBASE by using the '*=' or the
                '=*' operator.

                Besides much improved performance, another benefit of the new
                joining logic is the removal of the restriction that secondary
                tables must have indexes.

                The previous method of joining tables is still allowed but is
                highly discouraged except for the purpose of running already
                developed reports.  The new setup parameter SQL-JOIN controls
                the method of joining database tables together.  A Y value
                will cause the database engine to join the tables together,
                whereas an N value will cause XENTIS to join the tables

                INGRES users will see a significant performance improvement
                even without using the new method of joining tables, however
                using the new joining method will yield even a much greater
                performance improvement.

                To aid the migration of XCF files using INGRES, RDB, or
                SYBASE that were created prior to version 4.0, a conversion
                assist program is being provided.  This program is not
                installed during the normal installation, because the
                resulting image takes up over 2000 blocks.  To create this
                program enter the following commands:
                        $ SET DEFAULT dev:[install_dir]
                        $ @XENLINK "" "" ORA "" XRPDBCONV
                        $ RENAME XRPDBCONV.EXE dev:[image_dir]
                where 'dev:[install_dir]' and 'dev:[image_dir]' are the
                directories that contain the XENTIS installation and image
                files respectively.

                To execute this program enter the following:
                        $ XENTIS$DICT    := "your dictionary"
                        $ XENTIS$PASSWD  := "your password"
                        $ XENTIS$CMDFILE := "your XCF file to convert"
                        $ RUN dev:[images_dir]XRPDBCONV

                The program, XRPDBCONV, will convert many XCF files that
                use the RDB, INGRES, and SYBASE interfaces.  Due to features
                that XENTIS supports in RMS but that SQL does not support
                there are several situations where it cannot convert an 
                XCF correctly:

                  1.  Where the primary file is being accessed by key 0.
                      This will cause a premature exit of the program.
                  2.  Where the first or last key to use on the primary file
                      are not complete segments.  In this case it will append
                      spaces to the first key and append right braces, },
                      to the last key to make them complete segments.
                  3.  Where key fields into secondary files do not use complete
                      segments.  The conversion will continue, but it may
                      result in an XCF file that does not work as desired.
                  4.  Where 'Replace missing records with zeros and nulls' is
                      requested.  The conversion will continue, but it may
                      result in an XCF file that does not work as desired.
                  5.  Where the relationship between two files is one-to-many
                      but only one secondary record is requested.  The
                      conversion will continue, but it may result in an XCF
                      file that does not work as desired.

                If any of the above situations are encountered, the program
                will display an appropriate message.  It is very important
                that every converted report be tested and compared with the
                unconverted report, before it is placed into production.

                It is not mandatory to convert your existing XCF files.  They
                will continue to run as they have in the past provided the
                SQL-JOIN parameter is set to 'N'.

            b.  ORACLE is once again a supported database.  XENTIS can read
                ORACLE tables for /Report, /File, /Model, and /Word.  ORACLE
                tables can be written to in the /File module.  ORACLE tables
                are joined in accordance with the new method of joining
                database tables.  XCF files written for ORACLE prior to V4.0
                will not work with V4.0.

                The ORACLE interface allows the user to enter a synonym at
                the file prompts, however, it will not display synonyms in
                the info window or after a LIST DICTIONARY command.  This
                is because synonyms are used quite often to improve security
                and XENTIS doesn't want to compromise security.  When using
                synonyms the default print mask for numerics is not based
                upon the precision or scale of the data field, because this
                information is not available.

            c.  SYBASE users no longer have to enter a sybase username at the
                password prompt.  If no username is entered, then the user's
                VMS username will be used.  Furthermore, by defining the
                logical SYBASE$LOCASE_USER to a value of Y XENTIS will convert
                the username to lowercase before logging into SYBASE.

            d.  SYBASE users may now specify a sybase server other than the
                default server specified by the DSQUERY logical.  This is
                done by prefixing the database name with servername and a
                colon.  For example, if you want to access the accounting
                database using the pcdata server, then at the dictionary
                prompt you would enter:   sybase:pcdata:accounting

            e.  The SYBASE interface to XENTIS no longer requires the
                DB-Library/Fortran package, also known as Open-Client/Fortran.

            f.  The database engine will be allowed to sort the report if
                both SQL-JOIN and SQL-SORT setup parameters are set to Y.
                There are many circumstances that will prevent the database
                engine from sorting the report.  In these cases, XENTIS will
                sort the report in the same manner that it has done in
                previous versions.  Allowing the database engine to sort the
                report may result in better cpu performance or worse cpu
                performance depending upon the report.

            g.  CPU performance and page fault reduction has occurred in
                most of the major phases of XENTIS.  In addition, memory
                requirements have been reduced from V3.6.  The displaying of
                items in the Info (middle) window of Display mode has also been
                greatly speeded up.

            h.  Many limitations and restriction have been raised and one
                has been lowered.  The new limitations are:
                    Input files:                 18 (was 10)
                    Fields per input file:      999 (was 250)
                    Fields per report:          150 (was 1000 V3.6, 100 V3.5)
                    Output fields in /File:     999 (was 1000 V3.6, 100 V3.5)
                    Calculations:               100 (was 64)
                    Calc-on-Totals               40 (was 20)
                    Selection expressions:       64 (was 40)
                    Keys per file:               20 (was 9)
                    Segments per key:            20 (was 9)
                    Break description size:     128 (was 64)
                    Maximum field size:        2048 (was 512)
                    Maximum print mask size:     80 (was 64)
                    Maximum calc result size:  2048 (was 255)
                Please note that XENTIS/Dictionary still has a limit of 9 keys
                per file and 9 segments per key.  RMS only support 8 segments
                per key.

                The setup file parameters that control some of these limits
                have not been changed because changing them would break some
                reports that were at the maximum.  The exception to this rule
                is the MAX-KEYS parameter, because the benefit of changing
                it was greater than leaving it at its old value.

            i.  A new SET command is now supported.  The SET command allows
                a user to set a value to a particular setup parameter.  Only
                parameters that can be changed in a user setup file are
                allowed with the SET command.  Furthermore, the first 20
                SET commands will be written to any newly created XENTIS
                Command File, XCF.  An example of the SET command would be:
                        SET FF-OR-COUNT F
                The writing of SET command to new XCF files can be disabled by
                setting the WRITE-SET-CMDS parameter to a value of N.
                Successful SET commands do not give any confirmation messages.
                Unsuccessful SET command give error messages.

                Because of this new command, a few existing XENTIS Command
                Files (.XCF) may be broken.  This affects only those command
                files that start with 'SET ' or are just 'SET'.  XENTIS will
                now see this as a SET command.  The most likely place where
                this may be a problem is in a column heading or a report title.
                If you have a column heading of 'SET', then change it to
                'SET/'.  If a report title line begins with 'SET ' then you
                will need to change your report title line.

            j.  Additional useful comments are now placed at the top of
                newly created XENTIS Command Files (.XCF).  These comments
                include the VMS username, the default dictionary, the current
                VMS node name, and the current default disk and directory.
                This should aid both the user and the Customer Support Staff
                in diagnosing and correcting problems.

            k.  A new Guide Menu is available and is turned on by default.
                This guide menu allows easier navigation through the process
                of defining a new report, without having to remember various
                GOTO destinations.  The Guide Menu is available only when using
                Display Mode.  It can be turned off by setting the setup
                parameter GUIDE-MENU to N.

            l.  A new setup file parameter, FIND-DEFAULT, allow XENTIS to
                automatically highlight in the Info Window the appropriate
                default value for a given prompt.  This new feature works only
                in DISPLAY mode.  The current prompt must have a default
                (other than NONE), and the default value must be selectable
                from the Info Window.  Setting this parameter to N turns off
                this feature.

            m.  When operating in Display Mode, it is no longer necessary to
                press both the SELECT (or PF4) key and the RETURN key to select
                an item from the Info Window.  If the setup parameter
                SELECT-IS-RETURN has a value of Y, then pressing the SELECT
                (or PF4) key will automatically cause a RETURN key to be
                invoked.  This feature is always disabled while entering 
                calculation expressions, selection expressions, and 
                calc-on-total expressions.

            n.  Display Mode will also provide additional items to select
                from the Info Window.  The additional items will occur at the
                following prompts:
                        Print Frequency                 Selection Type
                        Heading Justification           Output File
                        Print Mask (Numerics)           Queue Name
                        Accumulate Level                Form Name
                        Relative File Mult Recs         Execute
                The setup parameters DISPLAY-QUEUE-NAME and DISPLAY-FORM-NAMES
                control whether or not queue names and form names are displayed
                in the Info Window.  Valid values for these parameters are Y
                and N.

            o.  Display Mode will no longer scroll during the output format
                section of the dialogue.  A series of formatted screens will
                be presented in the dialogue (bottom) window.

            p.  Word wrap is now available with /Report.  It is invoked by
                responding with a W at the heading justification prompt.
                Headings for word wrapped fields will be centered.  The setup
                parameter MAX-WRAP controls the maximum number of lines that
                a field can use during word wrapping.  This parameter is also
                used to compute whether or not a full detail will fit on the
                current page should the maximum number of wrapped lines be

            q.  XENTIS now supports a new kind a literal, called a 'prompted
                literals'.  In most circumstances, then can effectively replace
                Command File Substitution.  This prompted literal can be used
                in any place where a literal can be entered during report

                Operationally, prompted literals work as follows.  During
                report definition, when the defining the report arrives at a 
                location in the report definition where they want XENTIS to 
                prompt the person running the report for a value, the person
                defining the report enters a prompted literal, rather than a
                regular literal.  This prompted literal is saved in a special
                format internally, plus the original format is saved whenever
                a XENTIS Command File (.XCF) is written.  When the report is
                executed, all literals are scanned for the special internal
                format and whenever a prompted literal is found, the person
                running the report is prompted for a new literal value
                according to the specifications of the person that defined the
                prompted literal.

                Prompted literals must have, in addition to a prompt, a data
                class for the literal, either Text, Numeric, or Date. 
                Prompted literals may also have a default value, a minimum
                length (text class only), a minimum value, and maximum value,
                and a table validation.

                Some examples of prompted literals are:
                        "/PROMPT/T2/Enter State Code/"
                        "\prompt\d\Starting date\today\010190\123195\"
                        "^PROMPT^N^Dept Code^1^^^1^2^3^4^5^"

                Allowable delimiters are slash, backslash, and caret.
                The word PROMPT is required in the first field.
                The second field is data class; T, N, or D.
                Text Class literals may have an optional minimum length.
                The third field field is the prompt to issue.
                The fourth field is the default value (optional).
                The fifth field is the minimum value (optional).
                The sixth field is the maximum value (optional).
                The seventh and remaining fields are for table validations
                which are also optional.

            r.  The setup parameter INITIAL-FF now controls whether or not
                a form-feed character is initially output at the beginning
                of the report.

            s.  The setup parameter TEXT-IS-STRING now controls whether or
                not text fields are processed unchanged, or whether certain
                ASCII formatting characters and nulls are removed before
                processing.  If this parameter has a value of Y, then Text
                fields are processed unchanged.

            t.  The setup parameter KEYS-FROM-FILE now controls whether or
                not XENTIS should use information provided by RMS to determine
                which fields comprise which segments of which keys.  This
                parameter tells XENTIS to ignore key information stored in the
                data dictionary.  When using a XENTIS dictionary, this allows
                XENTIS/Report to use more than 9 keys for a input file.  To
                use this capability, set this parameter to a value of Y.

            u.  The setup parameters RMS-INP-BUFFERS, RMS-OUT-BUFFERS, and
                RMS-EXTEND control the number of RMS buffers for input files,
                the number of RMS buffers for output files, and the extension
                quantity for output files respectively.

            v.  The setup parameter SORT-TAG-SORT controls whether the sort
                performed will be a tag sort or a record sort.  If this
                parameter has a value of N a record sort will be performed.
                If it has a value of Y, then a tag sort will be performed.
                Tag sorts can yield improved performance when the sort key
                is small compared to the sort record, and many records are
                being processed.

            w.  The setup parameter SORT-WORK-FILES controls the number of
                work files the sort process will use.  This can have an
                impact on the sort performance.  To control where the sort
                work files are placed, use the logicals documented in the
                VMS SORT documentation.

            x.  If the setup parameter LINES-TO-PRINT is set to -1, the default
                value to the 'Lines to print on page' prompt will be equal to
                the highest print line specified.  If the setup parameter
                DFLT-PAGE-SIZE is set to -1, then the page size will default to
                the number of lines to print on a page.

            y.  Subrecords are now supported by XENTIS.  A subrecord is
                essentially one or more groups of repeating fields that belong
                to a larger record, but for the purpose of reporting, each
                occurrence of the group will be treated as if it were a record.
                The syntax for subrecords is:
                        /SUB=x/GROUP=flds/MAX=fld3              Or
                        x     is a previously specified file.
                        flds  is a series of repeating group fieldnames.
                              Up to eight fields are allowed, each one
                              separated by a comma.
                        fld1  is the first fieldname of a repeating group.
                        fld2  is the last fieldname of a repeating group.
                        fld3  is the maximum number of groups to process.
                              This value can be either a literal or a field

                Note that the '/MAX=fld3' qualifier is optional and if not
                present, the repeating group is assumed to continue until the
                end of the record.

                Subrecords can be used to process files, that have both header
                and detail information in the same record.  It can also be used
                to process multiply occurring fields, arrays, or several arrays
                as is they were records.

                An example might be:

                In this example, the parent record is file 2.  AMOUNT, CODE,
                REFERENCE, and STATUS are multiply occuring fields in file
                2 that are grouped together to form a subrecord.  These fields
                should each have at least 10 occurrences and the report will
                be limited to 10 subrecords.

            z.  POINTER is a new destination of the GOTO command.  It will
                take you to the pointer file prompt.

           aa.  XENTIS can now convert key segments from one datatype to
                another datatype within the same data class; text, numeric,
                or date.  This is controlled by the CONVERT-SEGMENTS
                setup parameter.  When using this feature be sure to use
                full key segments to build your keys.  You must use the same
                number of fields in your source key segments as in your
                target key segments.  Failure to follow this rule will
                probably result in zero records selected.

           bb.  Reading data from an ADABAS file system is now supported.
                XENTIS supports both the ADABAS FDT data descriptions and
                the NATURAL DDM data descriptions.  When using FDTs, only
                file numbers and short field names are available.  When using
                DDMs, file names and long field names are available.  The
                use of NATURAL DDMs is supported with ADABAS files only, it
                is not supported for other data file structures such as RMS
                or Rdb.

                To use FDTs you should specify 'ADABAS:dbnumber' as your
                dictionary.  To use DDMs you should specify 'NATDDM:dbnumber'
                as your dictionary.  'dbnumber' is your database number.

                The setup parameter ADABAS-MAX-OCCURS controls the number
                of occurrences of repeating group fields and multivalue
                fields.  Do not change this parameter after an ADABAS file 
                has been chosen during report definition.  If a record
                has more occurrences than the number specified by this
                parameter, then those occurrences beyond the number specified
                in the setup parameter will be lost.  If a record has fewer
                occurrences, then the extra occurrences will be filled with 

                When using a NATDDM dictionary, if the DDM for a particular
                file contains the wrong file number, then the user may enter
                'filename=number' at the file prompts.  This tells XENTIS to
                use the file number specified by the user rather than the
                file number specified in the DDM.

                When using the subrecord feature of XENTIS, the ADABAS user
                is allowed to specify the value 'SETUP' on the '/MAX'
                qualifier.  This tells XENTIS to limit the number of subrecord
                per parent record to the value specified in ADABAS-MAX-OCCURS.
                An example may be:   /SUB=2/GROUP=DEDUCTIONS/MAX=SETUP

                The setup parameter ADABAS-DDM-FILE controls the file number 
                of the file that contains the DDMs.  

                If the user encounters ADABAS error 28 while executing a
                report that has no sort and has output to their own terminal,
                then the user should change the DISPLAY-NOW setup parameter
                from a Y to an N.  Error 28 is essentially a transaction
                timeout error due to the slowness of terminal I/O and user
                delays in pressing return at the bottom of a page.

                Some additional notes regarding the Adabas interface include:

                .  Only 300 fields per file are supported which is less than
                   the maximum allowed by ADABAS.
                .  Group fields are considered to be a string field that 
                   overlays other fields.  They behave like any other string
                   field to XENTIS.
                .  Phonetic descriptors are not supported.
                .  Descriptors built from multi-value fields are not supported.
                .  Super-descriptors and Sub-descriptors will result in XENTIS
                   inventing additional fields, that last for the duration of
                   the report, whose name is 'fieldname_KEY_n', where 'n'
                   is the key number and 'fieldname' is the name of the parent
                .  Default print masks are based upon the datatype of the
                   field, not from any information stored in Natural.

           cc.  The value shipped for the setup parameter QUERY-FILE-EXCL-SHAR
                has been changed from Y to N.  This means that QUERY will not 
                prompt for "Exclusive, Protected, or Shared access".

           dd.  The setup file parameter DISPLAY-INTERVAL now controls the
                frequency at which XENTIS will display its progress in
                selecting records.  A value of zero will suppress this

           ee.  The user may now limit the number of primary records to read
                while processing a report.  This limit is specified at the
                "Number of records to select/read" prompt.  If the user wants
                to read 500 records and select all that match the selection
                criteria, then ALL/500 should be entered at this prompt.  Not
                specifying a read limit will read all records from the primary

           ff.  The user can now use the F6 through F11 and F15 through F20
                keys on a standard VT200 compatible terminal.  This is done
                by defining logicals outside of XENTIS.  These logicals take
                the form of XENTIS$KEY_keyname where "keyname" is the name of
                the key being defined.  If the translation of the logical
                ends in the bar character, "|", then a return is substituted
                for the bar character.  Examples:
                        $ DEFINE XENTIS$KEY_F20 "GOTO FIELD-99|"
                        $ DEFINE XENTIS$KEY_F6  "LIST FILES"
                        $ DEFINE XENTIS$KEY_PF1_F6 "LIST FILE-A|"
                These function keys are supported only in display mode.

           gg.  The new STR datatype is used, rather than the T datatype, for
                CDD structure fields when your data dictionary is the CDD.

           hh.  The display of performance statistics has been improved.  In
                addition to records selected and cpu time used, the direct
                I/O count and page faults will be displayed.  These values
                will also be displayed with the record counts during the
                progress display controlled by the DISPLAY-INTERVAL setup
                parameter.  Due to these improvements, the message:
                'XXX Details encountered.' no longer displays on the terminal
                or in batch log files because it is incorporated into the
                status message.

           ii.  The setup file parameter PREEXTEND-OUTPUT has been added to
                optionally suppress the computation of estimated output file
                size.  If set to Y the estimated size of the output file will
                be computed and allocated at the time the output file is
                created.  If set to N, this computation will not occur.

           jj.  The setup file parameter DISPLAY-KEY-NAME has been added to
                control whether the key name (index name) is displayed in
                the info window in display mode, where appropriate, or if
                XENTIS should invent a key description based upon the names
                of the fields that comprise the key.  If no key name exists
                then XENTIS will invent a name, regardless of the value of
                this paramter.

           kk.  The LIST FILES command will now display the name of each key
                associated with each file, if such information is available.

           ll.  There is a new setup file parameter called ADJUST-ROUNDING.
                This parameter controls the value used in rounding 
                calculations.  If ADJUST-ROUNDING is set to N, all rounding
                will use 0.5 to perform rounding.  If this parameter is set
                to Y, all rounding will use 0.5000000001 to perform rounding.
                The later value will adjust data that might not be 100%
                accurate due to floating-point error or due to the nature
                of floating-point data representation.  Business applications
                will normally want this value set to Y, while engineering and
                scientific applications may want it set to N.  The value of
                this parameter as shipped with the software is Y.

        2.  /File

            a.  XENTIS/File no longer requires the output file to exist in
                a data dictionary somewhere.  /File now has the ability to
                create a temporary data dictionary that will support only
                one RMS file.  This temporary dictionary can then be specified
                as the data dictionary for an input file to a report, a data
                extraction, or another /File run.

                This feature is invoked by appending /DICT=TEMP to the output
                file in the XENTIS/File dialogue.  When this occurs, the user
                will not be prompted for Access Mode or to create a new
                sequential file.  A new sequential file will always be created
                in this circumstance.  The user will then be prompted for
                output fields until a value of NONE is entered.  The temporary
                dictionary will be created in the same directory as the output
                data file.

                To use this new file with its temporary data dictionary, the
                user will specify the new file along with the /DICT=TEMP 
                suffix as one of the input files.

                The name of the temporary dictionary file will be the same
                as the output data file except that the file type (extension)
                will be controlled by the TEMP-DICT-TYPE setup parameter.

            b.  XENTIS/File will now retrieves file names from the 'Info file'
                that contains file names, if it exists, rather than from the 
                data dictionary.

        3.  /Dictionary

            a.  You may specify a subrecord file as a file in a view.  No
                validation of the subrecord specification will be performed.

            b.  Prefixes may now contain any ascii character other than
                nulls.  To enter these characters, press CTRL/V followed
                by the keystroke that generates the character.  (CTRL/V is
                called the quote character.)  For example, the line-feed
                character, generated by pressing CTRL/J, may be entered
                as a prefix, by pressing CTRL/V followed by CTRL/J.  The
                line-feed character normally deletes the previous word from
                the input buffer.  CTRL/V tells the input routine that
                CTRL/J is data rather than a command.  Please be aware that
                using such characters may corrupt your screen format.

            c.  The CDD to XENTIS Dictionary transfer utility now assigns
                the new STR datatype, rather than the T datatype, to structure

            d.  All XENTIS/Dictionary utilites will accept a longer filename
                for the data dictionary when a default data dictionary is not

        4.  /Edit

            a.  XENTIS/Edit now allows the user to navigate around the screen
                by using the arrow keys, and the tab keys.  Pressing the
                return key will cause the screen to be accepted.  This feature
                is invoked by adding the following command to your Edit Control
                File (ECF):    SET NAVIGATE

                The arrow keys will terminate the entry for the field the user
                is currently positioned on and move the user to the next field
                in the direction of the arrow key.  The tab key will also
                terminate the entry of the data field and proceeded onto the
                next field.

        5.  General Enhancements

            a.  The menu has been rearranged for greater clarity and
                understanding.  A new submenu, called the Utilities Menu,
                has been created.  It includes items that are not used very
                often or are typically used only by a system manager or 
                database administrator.

            b.  There is an additional submenu regarding label processing.  
                The first item is:  Create a New Report Oriented for Labels.
                The second item is:  Reformat Labels.

                'Create a New Report Oriented for Labels'  behaves exactly 
                like Create a New Report except that is sets a number of setup 
                parameters specifically for the purpose of creating labels.

                'Reformat Labels' is designed to report labels produced by
                the menu selection described in the previous paragraph.  It
                allows the user to specify an input file, an output file,
                the width of a label, the length of an output label, and
                whether or not blank lines should be suppressed.

            c.  There are two additional items on the /Report menu designed to
                allow an end user to browse through a report or through a 
                report definition.  When one of these items is selected from
                the menu, a sub-menu appears displaying the names, sizes, and
                create dates of either suspected report files, or report
                definition files, depending upon the menu item selected.

                Upon choosing an item from this sub-menu, the user is then
                allowed to browse through the selected file by using certain
                movement keys on their keyboard such as the arrow keys, and
                other movement keys supported by the EDT text editor.  Pressing
                PF1 followed by the right-arrow will change the terminal into
                132 column mode, PF1 followed by left-arrow will change it
                back into 80 column mode.  Pressing return will terminate the 
                browse function.

            d.  There are two additional items on the /Dictionary menu designed
                to provide the user with either a brief listing of their entire
                XENTIS data dictionary or a full listing of their entire XENTIS
                data dictionary.

            e.  The XENTIS.COM and XENTIS1.COM files have been enhanced to
                ensure that the current user has adequate process quotas.
                Removing the GOSUB to this routine improves initialization 
                cpu time of these two DCL command procedures.  The arrangement 
                of routines within these two DCL command procedures has changed
                to improve performance.

            f.  The batch template file has been enhanced to trap license key
                user limit errors.  The default behavior for jobs submitted to
                batch from the "Execute" prompt is to sleep 5 minutes if the
                batch job exceeds the license key user limit.

            g.  A new datatype add been added.  This datatype is named STR,
                for string.  It is very similar to the T (text) datatype.
                The T datatype removes all null, escape, rubout, line-feed,
                carriage-return, form-feed characters before processing.
                The STR datatype does not do this.  Group fields, also called
                structure fields, will be assigned this dataype when the
                data dictionary is CDD, DBMS, or ADABAS.

            h.  The names of the menu screen file and the menu line file are
                now controlled by some logicals defined in the XENTISLOGICALS
                file.  These logicals are XENTIS$MENU_SCREEN_FILE and
                XENTIS$MENU_LINE_FILE.  This makes it much easier for a
                site to have multiple and/or customized menus.

            i.  The XENTIS startup command file,
                SYS$MANAGER:XENTIS_START.COM, has been enhanced to call DCL
                procedures that will inspect the license key for limit user
                licenses, and to inspect the system for certain CDD, Rdb,
                and SQL shareable images.  If it finds a limited user
                license, it will automatically install the XENTIS images
                with the SYSLCK privilege.  If it discovers certain CDD,
                Rdb, or SQL images on your system it will install them with
                the correct privileges if this task has not already been done.

            j.  Prefixes are handled slightly different in version 4.0 from
                previous versions.  Due to a bug in version 1.1 of the
                dictionary edit utility, and a bug in the dictionary text file
                load utility, trailing spaces rather than trailing nulls
                were added to prefixes that were less than 4 characters.
                Since then, XENTIS has compensated for this bug by removing
                trailing spaces in prefixes.  There is now a need to make
                trailing spaces significant in prefixes.  This is a problem
                only if data dictionary descriptions were created by a
                customer written program that created a file that is similar
                to files expected by the dictionary load utility.  If the
                prefix contained spaces rather than nulls, then user may
                get 'Invalid key size for $GET/$FIND' errors.

                If you get this error, the you should run the XDFIX_PREFIX
                program found in the XENTIS images directory.  It is not
                found in the standard XENTIS menus.  This program has three
                prompts; a data dictionary prompt, a dictionary password
                prompt, and an 'Inspect or Fix' prompt.  The first two should
                be self explanitory.  The third prompt controls whether the
                program should only inform the user as to which generic files
                have bad prefixes, or whether it should actually fix the bad

            k.  The setup file compile program now displays the names of
                both the input file and the output file.


        1.  Print frequency 'U' (for Unique) and the setup parameter
            ACCUM-IF-UNIQUE may not always work when multiple primary files
            are being used.  This is because two records in different primary
            files may have the same record pointer (RFA in RMS files).  After
            sorting, these two records may get sorted next to each other.  As
            a result XENTIS thinks they are the same record, because they
            have the same RFA.

        2.  If the user enters a prompted literal, then backs up and makes
            a correction to the prompted literal, the user may be
            prompted for the first literal even though it is no longer part
            of the report.  This is because literals that were entered
            then changed during the report definition remain in the
            internal literal pool.  This problem will automatically
            disappear when the report definition is saved and the report is
            reexecuted after exiting.

        3.  Entering two identical numeric class prompted literals will
            result in an error message.  Make sure that the two literals
            are not identical.

        4.  A problem may occur with XENTIS Dictionaries created prior to
            XENTIS V3.1.  In some cases the prefix entry in the file
            record was not created correctly.  Due to enhancements made to
            the processing of prefixes, the incorrect data stored in such
            prefixes may cause reports or edit to work incorrectly.  This
            problem is resolved by running 'Edit a Data Dictionary' from the
            XENTIS/Dictionary menu and selecting 'Change' 'File' followed
            by changing the prefix value from spaces to null.  Running the
            program XDFIX_PREFIX found the the images directory will also
            correct this problem.

        5.  The sizes of all records from all input files, plus calculations,
            sort records, and literals cannot exceed 32767 bytes.

        6.  /Update does not allow the same data file to be used twice,
            unless those files are used only to perform selection and/or
            calculations.  This means that you cannot modify a field or
            delete a record if that field or record is located in a file that
            is used two or more times in a single /Update run.  This
            restriction is placed due to problems involving record locking,
            rereading records by RFA, and RMS not being able to keep track of
            where the next record is located.  This restriction may cause
            certain existing XENTIS command files to no longer work;
            receiving the error message "Same physical file update not
            allowed".  These XENTIS command files may not have been working
            correctly.  The solution to this problem is to perform this
            operation in two passes; the first being a SELECT function where
            the desired records are selected and their pointers are saved
            into a pointer file, followed by a REUPDATE where the selected
            records are read after retrieving their pointers from the pointer
            file. This restriction was effective with version 3.6 of XENTIS.

        7.  When using VAX DBMS with XENTIS, if the same file is specified 
            twice then under some circumstances XENTIS will enter an endless
            loop while under other circumstances it will not retrieve all
            desired records.  An example of this happening occurs in the 
            sample PARTS database linking the EMPLOYEE to DIVISION to EMPLOYEE 
            using the MANAGES set and then the CONSISTS_OF set.  This problem
            also occurs if a 3GL program is written using embedded DML
            statements.  It is suspected that this may be a problem with
            VAX DBMS rather than XENTIS.

        8.  When using a MAXCIM ECB data dictionary, only one version of a
            data file is allowed.  Specifying a version other than the most
            current version will be ignored.  Using the ACTUAL/GENERIC syntax
            does not get around this restriction.  The LIST FILES command
            displays the filename as the user entered the filename, which
            will be different from the file that will be used if a version
            other than the most current version is entered by the user.

        9.  When using multiple dictionary reporting with DBMS and DBMS is
            not your default data dictionary, then a subschema should be
            specified only on your first DBMS file.  It will be rejected on
            subsequent DBMS files.  For example:
                Fourth file? DIVISION/DICT=DBMS

        10. When using DBMS under certain circumstances, the user may
            encounter the error: Error opening data \ \ -- %RMS-E-ACT,
            file activity precludes operation.  When this occurs, enter
            an ERASE command and start the report definition again.

        11. The REDISPLAY command does not always work correctly, when
            DBMS is used, the output is to the users terminal, and when
            there is no requested sort.


        Listed below are some of the problems that have been fixed in
        version 4.0.  This is not intended to be a complete list.  However, 
        it does list many of the bugs that were reported by customers and
        all bugs that may materially affect processing.

        1.  Batch log files were not produced correctly in many previous
            versions.  This has mostly been corrected in version 4.0.  Some
            users may have to specify SET VERIFY=IMAGE in their batch template
            files now if they wish to see their input reflected in their
            .LOG files.

        2.  The batch template files have been reworked to handle situations
            where the default data dictionary and password have been defined
            outside of XENTIS prior to running the batch job.  This also
            corrects a potential problem where someone was using a dictionary
            or password different from the default values.  The new template
            file also correctly handles errors when XENTIS is not allowed to
            execute due to a "PKMS-E-USERINV, User limit has been reached..."
            error.  In this case the batch template file will trap this error,
            wait 5 minutes and try it again, for a maximum of 5 retries.

        3.  The DELETE and INSERT commands in the calculation section have
            been fixed.  You can no longer delete a calculation if that
            calculation is used elsewhere in the report.  Renaming a
            calculation is also not allowed, you must use the DELETE command
            to delete it first.

        4.  The phrase 'GRAND TOTAL', or an abbreviation of it, should now
            be printed on the grand total line under most circumstances.
            Under certain circumstances it was not included on the grand 
            total line.

        5.  Wide reports that had the parameter MAX-ROW set to 100 would
            sometimes abort.  This has been fixed.

        6.  The right parenthesis would get dropped from a print mask similar
            to "(####)".  This has been fixed.

        7.  Submitting to batch now works when VMS user defined date formats
            are being used.

        8.  Nesting XENTIS commands files to more levels that what is 
            accepted, two, caused an abort.  It will now issue an error 

        9.  Temporary sort files are now deleted when queueing your output
            to a printer.

        10. Form names are no longer limited to 16 characters.  They may now
            be 32 characters which is the length limited by VMS.

        11. Multiple primary files in an XCF file are no longer truncated at
            127 characters.

        12. Lower array bounds in the CDD other than one now work correctly.
            Please note that XENTIS will adjust all arrays, or multiply
            occurring fields, so that the lower bound is one.  For example,
            if your field is defined as "ARRAY -4:4", then XENTIS will
            define it as "ARRAY 1:9".

        13. Some passwords in a XENTIS dictionary would not be accepted as
            a valid password, depending upon the value of the password.
            These were usually, but not always, passwords that contained
            a Y or a Z in them.

        14. When encountering an error while opening a file, XENTIS would
            sometimes display a misleading error message.

        15. XENTIS/Update would not limit the number of records to select.
            It would always select all the records that met the selection

        16. XENTIS/File would go into a loop if someone else deleted its
            temporary sort file.  XENTIS/File now accounts for this

        17. XENTIS/Edit would not always handle variable length records
            correctly.  Under some circumstances it would retain data from
            a previous yet longer record.

        18. XENTIS/Dictionary would produce wrong output when listing a view
            that used a relative file as a secondary file.

        19. Under certain rare circumstances a catalogue listing would not 
            display all files.

        20. Entering just a period at the print line prompt would cause an

        21. XENTIS/Creport would allow the user to specify two different fields
            to be printed at the same location.  This is no longer allowed.

        22. XENTIS/Creport did not always count lines correctly when the lines
            to print per page was equal to the page size.

        23. In XENTIS/Model entering a GOTO command at certain points in the
            dialogue would result in the execution of the report.

        24. When backing up the dialogue would sometimes fail to remember
            correctly when the keyword NONE was entered when building keys.
            This would occur only when building a partial key.

        25. The default print mask for text fields would not always be correct
            if your dictionary was the CDD.

        26. When using multiple primary files, if the first primary file did
            not have a record whose key was larger or equal to the 'First key'
            specified in the dialogue, then XENTIS would select zero records
            even though there were records in the other primary files.

        27. XCF files did not get created correctly when using the CDD$DEFAULT
            logical with the CDD data dictionary.

        28. Having more than one calculation-on-total would sometimes result
            in invalid data on the report.

        29. The Sybase interface would sometimes leave stored procedures in
            the database if a report was interupted with CTRL/Y.  The
            number of circumstances that this will occur has been greatly
            reduced.  If a report is interupted with CTRL/Y, do not enter
            a STOP command.  This will cause the exit handler to not be

        30. Batch log files did not include the prompts in V3.6.  This has
            been corrected in V4.0.

        31. VARCHAR datatype fields did not work in the Rdb database interface.

        32. The INDEX command failed to work correctly in V3.3 through V3.6.

        33. The TDA date datatype incorrectly handled certain non leap years
            beginning the the 22nd century (2200 A.D.).

        34. When XENTIS/Edit failed to add a record due to a 'Duplicate Key'
            error returned by RMS, Edit assumed that the key in error was the
            primary key, which was incorrect.  It may occur with any key.
            When this error now occurs, XENTIS/Edit will prompt the user to
            change the values for all segments of all keys, and then attempt
            to add the record again.

        35. Using 10 files in a XENTIS/Dictionary view would sometimes result
            in an abort.

        36. Due to a typographical error in a previous version, running totals
            for summary output in XENTIS/File were not being reset at the break
            level.  Previous versions of the documentation reflected this
            incorrect behavior.  This has been corrected.  Please note that if
            the previous behavior is desired, then it can be accomplished by
            performing an additional XENTIS/File run using the summary file
            file as input with detail output using running totals.

        37. Symbol substitution now works with European charaters.  These are
            are characters in the upper half of the 8-bit character set.

        38. Executing XENTIS interactively, but within a DCL command file, 
            XENTIS did not correctly display prompts and responses.  This is 
            now controlled with the SET VERIFY command in DCL.

        39. Certain security problems with MAXCIM ECB dictionaries have been
            corrected.  Be sure to set the ALLOW-ACTUAL setup parameter to N
            if you want to have secure reports.  The default value in the
            setup file is Y.

        40. Spaces were not allowed to be a table entry in a XENTIS dictionary.
            They are now allowed.

        41. The comments in .XCF files have been changed when using XENTIS/File
            because incorrect information was sometimes included.

        42. The minimum and maximum data validations performed on a text
            literal as input when using /File were performed on a field to
            field basis rather than on a character to character basis.  This
            has been corrected.

        43. Reports were not generated when the GENERATE-REPORT parameter was
            set to Y when zero records were selected and queueing the report
            to a system printer was chosen.  This has been fixed.

        44. Under some circumstances when zero records were selected the user
            might not be prompted to "Press return to exit" even if the
            PROMPT-DONE setup parameter was set to Y.

        45. In version 3.6 and 3.6A only, text literals with an exclamation
            point included were not allowed.  The correct behavior has been
            restored so that text literals that are encountered at the
            beginning of a response may contain an exclamation point character.

        46. Print masks for break descriptions where the break field is a text
            field did not recognize non-# characters in the mask.  This has
            been corrected.

        47. XENTIS/File did not correctly convert data fields from input
            records to the output record when the input data field was
            binary zeros or nulls as a result of a missing record.  It will
            now correctly convert the data fields to zero or spaces.

        48. XENTIS did not recognize the 'Last record' to read in the primary
            file for sorted sets when using VAX DBMS V4.1 or later.  This is 
            because key segment information is no longer available from the
            CDD.  To solve this problem a new DCL command procedure has been
            supplied that will read the schema and build a special file that
            contains key segment information.  This command procedure,
            XEN$CREATE_DBMS_SEGMENT.COM, needs to be executed only during
            installation of XENTIS V4.0 or whenever sorted sets are added
            to the schema or are changed in the schema.

        49. The XEN$CREATE_DBMS_TABLE.COM procedure did not always generate
            correct CDD pathnames when using VAX DBMS V4.1 or later.  This
            is because the CDD path names for DBMS data was changed with
            DBMS V4.1.  This has been corrected.

        50. XENTIS/Model and XENTIS/Word would print a value of 0.00 when
            using a print mask of ##.## to print a number whose value was
            0.005, whereas XENTIS/Report would print a value of 0.01.  This
            inconsistency was due to the fact that XENTIS/Report used a
            formatting routine written specifially for XENTIS, whereas
            /Model and /Word were using a formatting routine written by
            Digital.  Digital's routine fails to account for very small
            differences in values when floating point numbers are being used.
            For example, 0.005, when stored as a floating point number, is
            really not 0.005, but is slightly smaller than 0.005, such as

        51. If MAXCIM users enter a filetype, a version number, a device,
            a node, or a directory at the filename prompt, an error message
            will now be displayed unless the ALLOW-ACTUAL setup file 
            parameter is set to Y.  Previous versions did not display an
            error message.  This applies to MAXCIM version 4 or later.


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